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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I shall tell you the story of FrankenPod. One iPod had a broken hard drive; one had a tear in the connector to the screen. I managed to reassemble a funtioning iPod from the pieces of each. Eventually, though, it became too onorous to find the old-style iPod charging cables, so I had to move on. But I do miss FrankenPod.

  • COVID really killed my faith in humanity, and it blindsided me. I truly believed people in general would come together in such a situation, but it just… didn’t happen. Giving people shit for wearing a mask? Or, heaven forbid, having the audacity to request someone wear a mask around you? Let’s not forget the people hoarding toilet paper like that’s an appropriate response. I know it sounds small in the grand scheme of things, but it requires a certain level of “fuck you, i got mine” to buy three-dozen rolls of TP when the shelves are already bare.

  • There are two main types of smoke detectors, and one works better for smoldering fires (photoelectric), while the other works better for rapidly growing fires (ionization). IDK how different the two food-burning incidents are, but there is a Technology Connections video on youtube that goes into more detail on the subject. Fun fact: smoke alarms with photoelectric detectors have been growing in popularity, as has making everything in our homes out of plastic and other synthetic materials, which burn much more quickly than older materials, thus lessening the chance of house fires smoldering long enough for the smoke alarm to react before everything is engulfed in flames. Hurray for progress! Although, ionization-type detectors are much more likely to give false positives, which increases the likelihood that they will get disabled by the homeowner/tenant, and you definitely don’t want that.

  • Sleeping with wrist guards really does make a world of difference. And maybe there is some way to do the repetitive tasks in a more ergonomoc way? For example, I crocheted a couple of pieces for friends’ weddings in quick succession out of very tiny yarn, and it destroyed my wrists for several weeks after. Turns out, I’d been holding my crochet hook in a really stress-inducing way; I had just never had a reason to question my form until it started causing a repetitive stress injury. By just changing the way I held the hook, I started to see improvement almost immediately.