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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Which usually includes implied “follow my religious beliefs to be eligible.” A big difference between personal giving and allowing a social safety net is the decision to limit who gets your money. Which I do get; I want my team dollars going to stuff that helps everyone, like welfare, education, transportation, etc, not to military industrial complex or subsidies for already massive and union busting billionaires.

    Still, on the conservative side it tends to aim more towards extremely limited targets, usually filtered through a lens of bigotry.

  • Back when I first ate sushi, my mom always ordered spider rolls. I’d eat them, get an itchy mouth, but assume it was the Wasabi. Then I got braver and ordered other stuff and even with Wasabi, itch gone.

    I already knew I was allergic to shrimp and lobster, but crab had always been fine. Spider crabs and blue crabs are in fact not fine for me. Other shellfish is interesting:

    Can I eat…
    Clams? No.
    Oysters? Yes.
    Mussels? Yes.
    Scallops? Yes.
    Conch? Yes.
    Crabs? Maybe.
    Lobster? No.
    Fish? Yes.
    Shrimp? No.

    So I have a shellfish allergy that doesn’t always trigger. It always triggers with what it does trigger though.

  • My manager doesn’t really care about that, and hence, I’m currently only in office for our monthly company meeting, and thats mostly to help out the new CEO have a room of people instead of just a zoom call. I do enjoy when I go in, but once a month is enough for me. If I were closer, once a week would be fine too, but I really benefit in a ton of ways working from home, and in office I’m usually just helping others out and twidling my thumbs(helping people out is a major part of my job, but I can still do that remote as well).

  • That’s just your myopic opinion. Plenty of people live fulfilling lives without random chance of an early death being their meaning of living. Perhaps you’re misunderstanding my original comment. I didn’t say immortality (though several religions do promise that as an afterlife), nor did I say unlimited wishes. I mostly said stuff like fatal diseases, daily needs, and unfair deaths like genocides, etc. You added in plane crashes, which also isn’t necessary for a fulfilling life.

    It sounds a bit like you’re a zero sum person, like not everyone in the world can have basic needs. As a reminder, we’re discussing this under the assumption there is a loving omnipotent we can pray to. If the world is so messed up that people can’t even expect to not die horribly of stuff that just happens to them outside their own choices, or where not everyone had an equal opportunity to just live a simple life and have their needs met, then that suggests that an omnipotent God decided to make life that way, and such a being is not deserving of my worship, and hasn’t proved their existence.

  • Lots of people. You enjoy people dying for no fault of their own? I don’t need planes crashing. I don’t have a personal need of guns, and if there were no unjust threats, why is a gun necessary? As for crime, crime is really a construct based on a created morality, so that’s up in the air.

    My examples were about innocent people suffering, and it feels like your response is “Who would want to live in a world where innocent people don’t suffer?” I almost think you’re joking, because that’s a seriously messed up thing to admit about yourself, much less assume everyone else agrees.