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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • I just don’t get the Joe Rogan hate. I’ve watched a fair number of episodes of his, maybe a few dozen. I’ll sometimes agree with his take on something, other times I’ll disagree (often in the same episode), but it’s usually at least interesting. I watch them for the topics not in some kind of idol worship of the guy. Despite whatever hot takes people are going to throw at me from his hundreds or thousands of hours of hosting his podcast, I still think he asks good questions and that his long-form interviews and laid back discussion format fosters more interesting discussion than I see in other places.

    I’m not one to throw the baby out with the bathwater if I find someone I watch on YouTube or wherever says something I disagree with or holds a viewpoint I don’t like, though.

  • I’m in my late 50s and I’m a PC gamer on linux. I game more than ever now since gaming on linux is a complete joy right now, at least on Steam.

    Gaming is something that I’ll be doing long after playing tennis or biking or hiking are options. If someone else (friend, family member, date) doesn’t like it, no sweat. I don’t like to do a lot of other things people like to do and can game on my own. If they can’t handle it, well, bullet dodged I guess.