• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Speaking Realpolitik: Currently, nothing is going to change Israel’s approach. They already are practically cut off from German arms productions (still able to get replacement parts for radar systems, air defence, such stuff), they could be cut off from US military support and be sanctioned and still continue. It wouldn’t make more Israelis demonstrate on the streets, there’s already plenty of those, it won’t make the Kahanites become any less genocidal.

    …and what I just slipped in implicitly there is that the German government, as in at least the ministerial level, does consider the Gaza erm situation a genocide. At least a potential one. Because otherwise the export licenses would match the defence attorney tone before the ICJ, which it doesn’t. (“Your honour, it is true that my client commits plenty of war crimes but genocide, no, genocide requires intent and… shuffles papers intent cannot be established without a sound mind and they are acting out of PTSD, to wit, we caused it. My client pleads temporary insanity”). It also doesn’t get said openly, again Realpolitik: It wouldn’t change anything on the ground and have potentially negative effects when it comes to Germany’s ties into Israeli civil society. And, of course, if Scholz is good at anything then it’s at sitting things out.

    It sucks but the whole thing will have to play out. It may even end in an Israeli civil war, what’s certain is that there’s going to be a hell of a hangover. The US could have stopped the whole thing, but that would’ve required a) quick thinking directly after the October attacks and b) a better understanding of Israel than the US has. The US would have had to dock that aircraft carrier they sent to Israel, unloaded a battalion of marines, and go Hamas-hunting themselves. Side-line the IDF, keep an eye on them, witness directly what’s happening.

    As to compromises: Why the hell are we talking about this the next EU elections are when, 2029. Both parties are going to be basically irrelevant on a member state level, maybe some municipal or even state seats but that’s it. Effectively this is some BSW-level “let’s make state elections about federal politics” shit, why didn’t Wagenknecht talk about brand-new state-owned ore mines to create new jobs for all those coal miners. About expropriating means of production. About fixing green fuckups by investing in district heating. Stuff, you know, state governments actually have the power to do.

  • https://diem25.org/diem25-hat-einen-plan-fuer-frieden-der-ukraine/

    Eine Regierungsstruktur für die östlichen und südlichen Gebiete der Ukraine auf der Grundlage des nordirischen Karfreitagsabkommens, um die politische Gleichberechtigung zwischen der russischsprachigen und der ukrainischsprachigen Bevölkerung zu gewährleisten.

    The fuck. Without Russian invasion there would be no political inequality between Ukrainian and Russian-speaking Ukrainians GTFO with those Kremlin talking points. Aside from that, demands that would allow Russia to re-invade at their heart’s content. “Mutual non-aggression treaty” they didn’t even have the decency to say “security guarantees by states that can roflstomp Russia”. Russia broke a fucking security guarantee they gave Ukraine when invading, shit’s not worth the paper it’s written on.

    So much about standing up to genocidal regimes, eh. So much about anti-imperialism.

  • They’re left-liberal which yes isn’t socialist by a long shot, OTOH it’s well within the overton window, thus actually able to be an electoral success. It’s also a position which is completely underserved because neolibs captured everything even close to centre.

    Oh, for all the yanks out there: Left-liberal is when UBI (because no proper employment market without uncomplicated social net) and business politics for SMEs instead of multinationals and plenty of antitrust with plenty of teeth. Petite bourgeois with at least a form of class consciousness. And gay marriage of course.

    Are you, by any chance, letting the perfect be the enemy of the not completely evil?

  • Should you really be working when you’re claiming retirement checks from your union?

    As a carpenter? Yes and no. It shouldn’t compete with what union people are by and large doing for their steady bread and butter but completely outlawing earning any money is cruel to the type of busy-bees that many tradespeople are. Hand-craft chessboards or something, anything where skill and mastery is eclipsing the industrial aspect. Also teaching, training, and consulting. Retirement should be a role-change (if desired), not a kick to the curb. Also, accommodate for half-retirement: Half the cheque, half the jobs kind of situation.

  • When you adjust the rules of the game to not define a set number of interactions with each player

    Then being nasty wins out, no matter the length of the game as long as it’s known (or at least an upper bound is known) But that’s not the case in practice so it’s irrelevant which is why I specified (yes I mentioned it) infinite or unknown amount of iterations.

    That mark. That thing we consider good. The innate sense, what pretty much everyone agrees on. It is there because our ancestors were successful because all that game theory stuff happens to apply. If it didn’t, then we would consider defecting good, not, to sum it up neatly, “never start a fight but always end it”.

  • That simple thought experiment incentivizes bad actions from time to time.

    The optimal strategy, in theory and practice, for the iterated prisoner’s dilemma (unknown or infinite amounts of iterations) is some version of tit for tat, details depending on the exact rules (such as low information reliability needing increased forgiveness). The strategy involves punishing the other player for defecting but it will never defect first so two tit-for-tat players will play 100% cooperatively and the knives stay where they belong, behind their backs. Holistically speaking choosing to punish is not bad because it incentivise the other player to play cooperatively, leading to overall greater results for both.

    Evolutionarily speaking: If cooperation did not give advantages, why the fuck did we become a social species? Going for anti-cooperative strategies only ever makes sense in zero-sum games and practically nothing in life is.

    You have more to gain by acting selfishly.

    That’s capitalist propaganda with no basis in game theory.

    Not every choice is a conscious decision in my eyes, but the vast majority are.

    Oh my sweet summer child.

  • Still makes sense in places with tight housing markets, though. Triply and quadruply so if it’s infested by speculative investment. Then make sure that short-term rentals require a hotel license if it even smells of being a commercial short-term rental (couch surfing is completely fine, doesn’t take up a housing unit) and last, but not least: Public housing. Look at Vienna as to how to do it but that can literally take the better part of a century to do because land. Specifically in the US, you also need to build tons of public transit don’t worry even if you make your metro free at the point of use it’s cheaper than road/sewer upkeep in suburbia. Suburbia is a financial graveyard for municipalities, they just don’t generate enough tax revenue for the infrastructure they demand.

  • Middle class is, mostly, simply the newfangled term for that portion of the proletariat which isn’t lumpen which is now called the precariat. Low-rank petite bourgeois also counts as the same class as it’s actually an economical one (petit bourgeois get shafted amply by capital), not political (what with their penchant for temporarily embarrassed millionaire narratives and support of “business-friendly” policies). That worker / petit bourgeois distinction has always been fuzzy and awkward I mean it’s not like there’s not workers who think like that.

  • It’s not a blob the client is definitely open source, not sure about the server software but you’re not running that. It’s an extension like any other, just that it comes bundled with the default install and doesn’t use the usual extension enable/disable UI: Go to about:config, set extensions.pocket.enabled to false. It’s going to stay that way, this isn’t microsoft which likes to “fix” your settings.

  • During the google money years the ROI on Firefox was so mind-bogglingly high it would’ve been insanity to drop it all into the browser: It couldn’t possibly have soaked up the sheer amount of resources.

    Meanwhile, yes they did sink a large amount of resources into it in a way a profit-driven company never would have: They designed a whole fucking new programming language to get proper concurrency into the thing. Rust is, in a very real way, a language to write browsers in. That’s its purpose. And then they set the language free because, among other things, you can’t make money with it.

    Sure, lots of those investments tanked. But OTOH you have stuff like pocket which makes money and could probably keep the lights on by itself. If everything but pocket were to fail Mozilla absolutely would have to downsize, would definitely have to scale back its charity spending, rely more on the FLOSS community to actually write code, but it’d continue with the same kind of force as say Blender, which wouldn’t be what it is without its paid staff (both coders and artists) and sidle-hustles (commercial support, training, and cloud services, mostly. Oh, t-shirts and mugs. Don’t forget t-shirts and mugs).

    I guess overall the gripe I have with the “Mozilla should invest more in Firefox” chorus is that it implies “Do you want Mozilla to be way smaller and less capable of shaping the web than it currently is”. People have no sense of the scale of Mozilla, think that it’s running on donations etc.

  • Servo isn’t dead it’s just on slow burn. Also, under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation Europe. As far as Mozilla is concerned it has served its purpose: Prototype stuff that then got included in Firefox to get rid of a quite large amount of technical debt.

    The long and short of it is: Firefox is supposed to make money for Mozilla’s charitable causes. It’s not an end in itself, but a means to an end.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldThe Mozilla Graveyard
    7 days ago

    Mozilla doesn’t exist to fund Firefox. Firefox exists to fund Mozilla. It’s been that since the very fucking beginning: Mozilla is a general internet charity that makes money with a browser. It’s always been that way. It never has been any different. I may have to repeat myself: The purpose of Mozilla isn’t to fund Firefox the purpose of Firefox is to be a money-maker for Mozilla’s charitable causes.

  • German law. To be more precise for a court to accept a company’s claim that continued employment would be an undue burden they want to see a) at least six weeks in a year b) negative prognosis, and c) how impactful the whole thing is for things like scheduling, that also depends on company size. Seniority also plays into it but noone at Tesla has any kind of seniority. That is, if healing from a burst appendix takes seven weeks no you don’t have a case because appendices don’t tend to burst twice, if your employee first breaks their leg and then goes base jumping again and breaks their arm and then does it again and breaks the other leg, different topic.

    Companies are of course not forced to terminate you and a car manufacturer might be well-advised to retain a hard to replace star engineer, a random replaceable accountant, not so much.

    IG Metall has a page about it. It also pays to pay your union dues because they all come with legal insurance. Thinking of it IG Metall might have the second largest army of lawyers in the world, right after Oracle.