autumn (she/they)


  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2023


  • scheduled when i plan to vote (early). need to do my research first!

    good news: jean (chi mix) got a new personal best on sunday for her 100-yard dash (8.65 seconds / 23.65 mph)! we have another event this coming weekend at a different club, and we’ll probably meet up with some social media dog friends. :)

    bad news

    i will never run at that club again. i saw multiple people harshly correcting their dogs (one person was hanging their dog by the collar), and when i handed jean off to the releaser, they pulled her leash so tight she was clearly in distress and trying to squirm her way out of it. i probably should have left then, but i was in mild shock, so i let them take her. she ended up trying to bite the releaser when they went to take off her collar, which she has never done. this is not her first rodeo being handled/released by strangers, so i’m reluctant to place the blame on her at all. for the second run, i took her collar off before i handed her over, and i guess she was fine? i didn’t stick around to ask. in any case, i ordered her a tag-free collar she can run with next weekend since she had such a bad experience, and i don’t want her to repeat it.

    i’m pet sitting for a sweet border collie from the same rescue where i got echo, so that’s been fun. speaking of echo, we’ve stalled a bit on our nose work course, so i need to get back into that once i’m back at home. been having too much fun with treibball.

  • the individual therapist matters a lot. i know friends who have gone through many before landing on one that actually helped them. i know that’s not ideal, but it is an option. it’s also a slow process for lots of folks.

    two friends of mine are actually on ketamine treatments to help with their mental health after trying everything else.

  • been offering moral support for a friend who is (was?) renting a house in black mountain (western NC). they still have no power or water, and they can’t get their cars down from the mountain because the road is still blocked by a ton of trees. they were able to get a friend to pick them up at the end of their road at the bottom of the mountain at least.

    got to see zach galifianakis and josh stein (NC governor candidate) on saturday which was neat.

    ordered an oak tree that is going to replace the maple we had to cut down in the front yard last year. picking that up on saturday.

    echo is currently going through an online scent work class which has been fun. loki and jean started agility lessons back up now that the weather is a smidge cooler.

  • bummer to hear about cohost (but not all that surprising, unfortunately).

    i attended hopscotch music festival the weekend before last. three very full days of seeing artist after artist play music (with a tiny bit of stand up comedy and amateur professional wrestling mixed in). it was great, but boy howdy am i feeling like an old. my feet hurt for days afterward.

    the day before the festival, my little dog rode around town with me for a whole 13 miles! that’s her longest ride ever in her backpack, and she did great. i’m definitely going to upgrade her pack, though, since she was shifting side-to-side a bit which wasn’t terribly comfortable.

    echo earned her CGCU last week, which is the last of the one-shot titles i plan to get for her. next up is prepping for our first rally trial, including a class that starts at the end of october.

    this weekend i’m heading to another three-day fast CAT (coursing ability test) with the little dog. hoping to pick up some advice on stretching her before and after so she’s less sore this time around.

  • my older dog, loki (11 year old australian shepherd), has been on prozac most of his life due to anxiety issues, so i’m quite familiar with its use in dogs! basically it allows them to chill out a little bit. both of them are high strung rescue dogs, so the medication definitely helps after i’ve exhausted all other training routes.

    Quite the feat! What’s your trick?

    honestly, i keep a pack of cards with me to shuffle through (and sometimes play solitaire with) when i’m bored. i also still have audiobooks on my phone, but i play music from a separate digital audio player. it’s nice not to have the compulsion to open mindless scrolling whenever i pick up my phone to do something i actually need to do. most of my time on my phone is now spent using maps for directions, hah.

  • echo (border collie) started fluoxetine (prozac) last weekend for her anxious tendencies and obsessive behaviors. she also has her urban canine test on wednesday, which i think we’ll pass with flying colors, so long as there isn’t a leaf blower she can hear.

    we’ve had a couple of chilly nights, but i know we’re going to have at least one or two hot weeks before it starts to actually cool down for good.

    i’ve been spending a lot of work days at the coworking space, and i’m making a lot of progress on my latest project, so that’s nice. forgot how much that helps me get in the right mindset. probably helps that i dumbed down my phone quite a bit recently, too. no more safari, email, social, or needless apps. down to about 1 hour of phone screen time per day, which is pretty good considering my old averages were around 4-5 hours. 😳