I make people upset just by using my eyes and brain, as such please be careful to ensure your tears do not get into your electronics, thank you

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • Now, I realize Israel and it’s people have had a long and storied history of being persecuted by others, however, there’s a limit to how far you can stretch that sort of “woe is us” pity when the modern history of the country most representative of modern Judaism – at least, that’s how I kind of thought of it, a sort of “Jewish Vatican/Mecca”, correct me if I’m wrong as I’m not Jewish – will be recorded as not only actively engaged in committing such terrible acts (no matter the enemy), but is proud of it. I could see them trying to deny or “deny” it, you know, pay these IDF atrocities lip-service and give commanders a light finger-wag, that sort of thing. It’s the Israeli government after all, anyone who thinks they don’t have a massive intelligence apparatus shaping opinions at home and abroad is a fool – but for so many to be as proud of it as they are, god. I should be over this by now, but it’s just… upsetting. Make no mistake, the acts they commit today will be written about in the history textbooks, and they will be used to justify further future antisemitism – anyone who doesn’t fear another Adolf Hitler hasn’t been paying attention to the fucking news. This cycle of hate shouldn’t continue, and yet I see no end in sight.