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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • I agree they’re trying to get rid of the Palestinians; you could see that with the early slaughter, and their comments to the US, Europe, and the Arab states of, “Well if you’re so keen on protecting them, you take them!” And I think they’re okay with starvation, if that’s what it takes.

    But honestly, at this moment right now I think they’re trying to thread the needle: starve and bomb them enough that their immune systems are weakened (which is already done). And then just wait for some disease or other to rage through the refugee camps. Everyone is packed in so tightly, and there are so few safe places to go, that disease is just going to rip through the population once it takes hold. And Israel will continue to hold up humanitarian aid, but (at the exact same time) proclaim that they didn’t have anything to do with those deaths, it’s all just very very sad.

  • Wikipedia:

    In late 2006, programmer Jed McCaleb thought of building a website for users of the Magic: The Gathering Online tradable card game service, to let them trade “Magic: The Gathering Online” cards like stocks.[13][14][4] In January 2007, he purchased the domain name mtgox.com, short for “Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange”.[15][16][17][18] Initially in beta release,[19] sometime around late 2007, the service went live for approximately three months before McCaleb moved on to other projects, having decided it was not worth his time. In 2009, he reused the domain name to advertise his card game The Far Wilds.[20]

    In July 2010, McCaleb read about bitcoin on Slashdot,[21] and decided that the bitcoin community needed an exchange for trading bitcoin and regular currencies. On 18 July, Mt. Gox launched its exchange and price quoting service deploying it on the spare mtgox.com domain name.[14][22]

    I’m not sure when people started to refer to it as Mt Gox.

  • Biden could stop supplying weapons and ammunition until the radical Republicans finally pass a budget that includes money for that. He could put limitations on the weapons that we do supply to Israel, like we’ve put restrictions on the weapons we supply to the rest of the world - including Ukraine. He could put sanctions on the members of the Israeli government and the Israeli press and the Israeli religious community that have publicly called for Palestinian genocide. He could speak against Israel’s actions in his speeches, or send surrogates out to do so on his behalf. He could stop vetoing toothless UN resolutions calling for Israel to stop murdering civilians.