
For all your owl related needs!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You don’t notice the speed in hot keys as you build your familiarity with them, but after years of learning them, it’s now painful to watch a good portion of coworkers use computers, as it feels like watching in slow motion.

    The mouse dragging, the hunting for menu items, dragging the mouse back to where you were, over and over. It can really add up.

    In the same vein, learning to create even basic macros and putting them on hotkeys, either in Office or something like AutoHotkey. There are likely things you go through the same motions to do daily, weekly, etc. Record the steps as a macro.

    My old job had basic data formatting from generated reports and then saving the cleaned files to a specific name format and uploading them. Tedious and boring work. I created macros, and all the work was done in less time than it would take to type the filenames. Turned hours of work into seconds.

  • I upvote posts or comments that teach me about something I didn’t know before. Anything that opens a new door for me to gain new knowledge or experiences or a novel approach to life.

    I’ll also upvote when someone can put something difficult to express into words clearly.

    Both of those add value to my life, and the least I can do is give a click and some positive feedback.

    As for leaving a tip, if you mean as in real money, nah, even though it’s probably be worth it to me here. Monetizing stuff is a race to the bottom to churn out cheap content for clicks. Too many places doing that already.

    If you mean more of an intangible value for the content provided, more like the 1-5 scale from Slashdot as opposed to just an up or down vote, there could be use in that, but nothing life changing.

  • I tried them in a store after years of being against them due to aesthetics.

    Was expecting them to be much softer and marshmallowy. They weren’t bad or anything, just not what I was expecting. For something to be that ugly (to me) and it just being some molded foam, it was still to expensive and not my look to be something for me.

    I got a pair of Olukai sandals and a pair of Chacos that day. Both feel like much more shoe for the money. They both have great arch support. The Olukai are cushiony and comfy and good looking. The Chacos are rock solid in a good way. They can also be restrapped and resoled, so they won’t end up in the trash near as fast.

  • Not sure if everyone would consider it “anime” as it’s more a hybrid of US and Japanese, but “Flight of Dragons.” It felt very stylistic and deep to a young me, and showed me animation could be serious.

    As to specifically watching anime as a known thing, Toonami shows pulled me in. I caught DBZ flipping through the channels and I started watching that and Outlaw Star.

    Met a friend that was into it and he lent me Iria: The Zeiram, Armitage 3, Ghost in the Shell, Vampire Hunter D, and eventually a few others.

  • Find a thread where someone is looking for a piece of FOSS software and someone comes in saying “I’ve tried all the FOSS projects, but I find X [paid or not open source] just works better for me” and you will see the reaction you want to see.

    Like vegans, FOSS people are a minority community with stiff moral stances and they hold their beliefs for very specific personal reasons. To the FOSS people, suggesting they use closed software is likely the same as when people tell you that you must not be getting enough Vitamin B or whatever because you don’t eat meat.

    As someone non-vegan and not overly concerned about FOSS, I’ve had guys and bad interactions with both groups. I’ve had bad reactions when I’ve suggested free but closed source solutions and gotten bad reactions in return, and I’ve shared things with vegans who liked my original things I’ve shared about meat and dairy alternatives and their opinion of me changes when they learn I hunt for food.

    People get defensive when you either question their morality or people question your morality. We can attempt to understand others’ actions and beliefs, but we truly only understand our own, and that can make us all act out irrationally. It can be hard to not try to show others why you made your personal moral decisions, and it’s fine to try to share or teach others your values, but there’s a fine line between sharing beliefs and getting pushy about it, and it’s different for everyone.

  • Nothing wrong with that. It’s not as constant action of a thing for sure, the real fights being spread out after the exposition is what makes them more impactful to me, the regular street fights are mainly just grinding while you get used to the combos and are kinda boring. The varied minigames give you a break, and I like the comedy bits to swing the mood back and forth from serious to funny. I enjoy the GTA games, but find them much darker and the protagonists aren’t as likeable to me. Yakuza has Kiryu as a relatively good guy, and the games are all mostly in the same city over the years, so you see the city grow, businesses come and go, and you see your NPC friends change jobs over the years, so it is a really organic experience, but it’s not all fresh and brand new, so people could get bored of being in the same places a lot of the time. It’s more of a book experience than an action movie.