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word #2: supercalifragilisticexpialadocious
I thought this right before I tried to play the really old pokemons again. And very quickly went back to new pokemons.
Are Movies Better for Movie Theaters When We Watch Them in Theaters? Statistical Analysis says Yes
wow i wish I was exploited as a child when making fun things in games too! i remember making maps in wc3 in elementary school and not getting any money at all for all those hours making fun things.
i also met someone who couldn’t visualize anything because her inner voice verbal aspect was so strong it overran everything else. she felt she couldn’t visualize visually because of this reason. Constantly active inner voice and no visuals.
i dont visually see like in color visualizing, but i can visualize 3d shapes of places that are basically lightless. probably has to do with different brain regions being used for a thing than the norm
can you feel things like a 3d space xcept no vision?
I skipped the article, looked up the company, get the free crispr, then searched the repositories of the creator.