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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • “Anti-religious” propaganda? What does that even mean to you? You think you can change someone’s mind with logic when they’re not using logic to think through it in the first place? You think there’s a fucking conspiracy to prove that there aren’t any gods because everyone is so concerned with your beliefs?

    No one cares what your beliefs are just keep them to yourself and don’t harass people on the streets with them or vote for government to do it for you in other ways. Fuck.

    And yes, religions allowed the study of things that didn’t question their vague and almighty god(s). Why wouldn’t they? Especially when the credit for life changing discovery goes to their god(s)?

  • Religious Nobel winners becoming great minds in spite of their superstitions have nothing to do with thousands of years of scientific suppression by religions all over the world.

    People don’t like their worldview challenged, but when your worldview is absurd and without evidence you’ll constantly be dealing with these challenges as people learn and ask more questions. If itt turns out the sun isn’t actually pulled across the sky by a god on a chariot every day, then what else is just nature and not a god? It disrupts your society, and has to be put down and people need to be distracted away from questioning the gods (and the people in high positions).

    Religion has always been at war with curiosity, reason and (new) evidence. It’s the nature of being based on a fallacy, which is the assertion that god(s) exist without proof.