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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • They aren’t. This opinion article sucks. It’s certainly a version of the story but it’s not a good one.


    Kenya has budget shortfalls because the previous government borrowed from China and others like they never had to pay it back. The IMF extended them a small line of credit (compared to their existing loans) at I believe a 0% interest rate. It was to help them stabilize their budget temporarily and pay off other loans with interest coming due. Because helping Kenya is way more beneficial to everyone than letting them collapse.

    The IMF made recommendations for a bunch of ways Kenya could start digging out of the hole they’re in. One of them was tax changes. Kenya’s leaders chose to simply increase taxes and say the IMF is making them to shift the blame. Instead of deploying a variety of suggestions IMF made.

    That pissed people off of course. So now they’re going to try other suggestions the IMF came up with. Like eliminating government administrative waste. Such as no longer covering unnecessary travel costs and ending monthly allowances for spouses of politicians.

  • It’s hot as fuck down there because the canyon walls radiate the heat back out and there isn’t much airflow. Which makes it nice to go in the fall. But it’s hell in the summer.

    I’ve been a few times. One of my friends was dumb enough to try hiking all the way down and up last August. Told them not to. They didn’t get back out until something like 3am because they had to stop during peak daylight hours.

  • It’s a good question. Steel is very good at absorbing and retaining heat. Water on the other hand isn’t. Metals in general have way better thermal conductivity than water.

    Exposed to the sun at the same time, a piece of metal will warm up a few times faster than the water. I believe steels can be somewhere around 8-10 times less energy required than to heat a similar mass of water.

    The water could even start out slightly warmer than the bridge. Evaporative cooling would also work here since there is plenty of ventilation around the bridge. But that can slow down based upon humidity level.