• 24 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • The issue isn’t emissions, it’s costs. Sadly we don’t live in a dream world, and everything has a cost.

    Even running excess production into hydrogen production has costs (transport, storage, infrastructure…).

    The current (not taking in consideration the new tech currently in testing) beeing highly ineficient creates many cost issues.

    Less effieicnt means that more power needs to be used to get that amount of hydrogen, reducing the gains on electricity surplus.

    The storage beeing ineficient means a higher running cost, more space used, less of that space…

    The transport beeing ineficient also increases the running costs, but also the emissions if the transport uses fossil fuel. Of it uses hydrogen, well it increases the running cost even more. That expensive produced hydrogen is used for transport…

    The electricity production from hydrogen being ineficient increases the used hydrogen to get the same energy amount, which then increases the costs because more of that expensive hydrogen has to be used.

    So taking all this into account, being “clean” doesn’t necessarily make it is viable compared to other storage or energy production tech.

    The costs have to be taken in account because resources don’t appear magically.

    Mining Uranium has a cost. Buying it from abroad has a cost, paying people to maintain all that has a cost…

  • Well the issue with renewable power like wind and solar, is that they are not stable.

    Having a battery in order to store the energy and release it when the demand is higher than production is one part of the solution.

    But what happens when there wasn’t enough solar and wind to replenish the batteries if those batteries aren’t enough for the demand? Power shortages, which are pretty bad to get.

    One of the solutions to this is natural gas for a simple reason : it’s very fast to start generating power or to stop. It’s also not very expensive, at least when there isn’t a war… The co2 equivalent emissions aren’t as high as coal either.

    Nuclear power on the other hand is very hard to stop. Having a surplus of power on the grid is also very bad. Some of it could be used to recharge the batteries, but there would be some loss at some point.

  • I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.


    It’s the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

    Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

    Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voiced, with words or humming.

    The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

    The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

    The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn’t very punishing. The respawn points aren’t too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

    There are some little issues with the game tho. The ending seems to be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn’t that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

    But overall these little issues aren’t that bad, and the game is still amazing for an indie.

  • J’ai quelques idées…

    Comme il est indiqué sur les infos du site, d’après eux ils se sont séparés du figaro, et bien sûr comme l’URL du site est legorafi = lefigaro.

    Ce serait donc un site exagéré parodique du figaro ?

    Mais je ne sais même pas pourquoi le site existe encore… Je suppose il y a toujours des gens pour perdre leur temps à lire des articles inutiles…

    (si l’objectif est de faire quelque chose de marrant, ca ne me fait pas rire des gens qui se font tirer dessus ou qq qui se lamente et fracasse la tête contre un mur…)

  • Tibert@jlai.lutoFrance@jlai.luGérald Darmanin annonce la dissolution de Gérald Darmanin
    7 months ago

    C’est quoi cet article de bouse. Elle est où leur source ? C’est la rédaction leur source ?

    Je ne peux rien trouver comme source à cet article.

    Donc sans source ou preuve que cet article est factuel, cet article est faux et une invention du journal qui est sûrement m*ique dans ce cas.

    Si c’est du sarcasme ou je ne sais quoi, c’est totalement raté et nul. Ça paraît trop gros pour être vrai, ce qui pe s’en rapprocher, mais ce n’est pas du tout une bonne chose de propager de telles fausses infos.

    Vu les autres articles de la rédaction, le journal est de la bouse.

  • I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.

    And i can say that it is, damn amazing!

    It’s the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

    Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

    Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voice, with words or humming.

    The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

    The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

    The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn’t very punishing. The respawn points aren’t too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

    There are some little issues with the game tho. It doesn’t tell that combo rewards more currency from enemies (it’s a timed combo, sho shooting will either increase or refresh the combo, and shooting flying bodies increases the combo up to 2 more times). The ending seems to also be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn’t that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

    But overall these little issues aren’t that bad, and the game is still amazing.

  • Nah, the game is utter trash not the bugs. Let’s look at 3 games very hyped :

    • Redfall : game had game breaking bugs and performance issues at launch. Gameplay was bad. No one played it.

    • Gollum : game had game breaking bugs and performance issues at launch. Gameplay was destroyed due to bugs. The studio closed their gaming branch.

    • Starfield : very hiped, bought by a lot of people, the game looks like 2010-15 game with some little 2023 enhancements…

    Redfall and Gollum were failures. High budget failures. They most likely layed off people.

    Starfield : Microsoft layed off people at the start of the year https://www.polygon.com/23561210/microsoft-layoffs-xbox-bethesda-halo-infinite-343-industries for who knows why. The game got delayed, and then it gets out very mixed due to bad exploration gameplay and no love put into population design (population characters look like 2010 or even worse).

    All of these 3 games have been very hyped, with a high price, but none of their failure have anything to do with gamers “fault” and “opinion”. It’s all on the studios fault on not delivering something good.

  • It’s amd’s side of Nvidia’s gsync, but with a different way of working.

    Both do about the same thing : match the monitor hz to the fps, in a range of minimum and maximum hz.

    So if your game is doing 103fps and monitor can do 40-144hz. The monitor will match 103hz.

    It reduces tearing and can maybe reduce the perception of lag. It doesn’t remove it. If you have frame drops you will still see them.

    For the ur way of working :

    -Gsync uses a physical chip in the monitor to do what it has to do. In addition of beeing a paid technology, it adds to the cost, and nvidia also does a quality control check on the monitors, which also increases costs. Gsync can only be used with nvidia gpus.

    There are some limitations with these tho, they can only be used with display port 1.4+(or 1.2+, i don’t remember) or hdmi 2.1+ because of variable refresh rate support. Except for amd gpus and freesync. Amd gpus support freesync with older hdmi versions.

  • Tibert@jlai.lutoLiftoff!@lemmy.worldReminder to clear your Liftoff cache
    7 months ago

    Don’t hope too much. The project looks dead or stalled due to maintainer not giving news.

    If not updated, once your Lemmy server gets on version 0.19 the app won’t work anymore.

    A pretty good app which also has post search is Thunder. Tho it doesn’t have the same account switching capabilities.

    Tho post editing in thunder is still not released.