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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2023


  • I don’t know that we do it to make any such statement to the guilty party. I personally think we do it to 1. deter others from going down that path for fear of the consequences, and 2. remove an individual from society who has shown themselves incapable (in the most malicious and extreme way) of properly functioning in society. They are a danger to society, therefore they need to be removed. Obviously you could make the argument that we could simply banish them somewhere or lock them up for the remainder of their lives, but in my personal opinion that’s not definitive enough. They could escape, be let out early, and harm someone else.

  • TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEvery dang day
    11 months ago

    Spoken like an elitist liberal. You’d fit right in in California.

    You remind me of someone I once read about. They too believed in progressive ideals. They decided to hitchhike from Italy to the middle east in an attempt to share their message of love and peace. Three weeks into the trip they were raped, murdered, and left in a ditch. But I guess you’re right, evil people don’t exist, it’s just those damn aggrieved saps at the bottom who don’t respect the system.

    You’re right, there are certainly people who have been downtrodden by the world and become cold and callous, but there are also people simply born cruel. I’ve seen downtrodden people act with tremendous kindness/morality, and I’ve seen successful people act with tremendous evil/immorality. For you to pretend that bad behavior is simply a result of “the system” is idiotic and out of touch with reality.

    And I think your political literacy is poor, and barely surface level. The conditions you speak of are not due to nebulous “progressive” policies, but to the vast wealth inequality your country as a whole, but California particularly, suffers from. California has progressive policies, but still does not address many of the worst of the issues.

    What do you suppose led to the vast inequality? I’ll give you a hint, it was elitist thinking and liberal policies. California is one of the most progressive states in the country. It’s been that way basically my entire life. We charge more for everything (taxes, healthcare, energy, housing, etc) so that we can fund our progressive agenda. As a result our middle class has evaporated. Now we have only the poor and the insanely wealthy. Our progressive leaders know this, so they pander to the poor, giving them benefits to keep voting them in, and cut deals with the rich. They don’t want to stigmatize anyone so they’ve stopped enforcing many basic laws. The rich aren’t terribly impacted, they live in gated communities and have armed security. Instead it’s everyone else who suffers. You acknowledge California has progressive policies that don’t address the problems, yet you simultaneously dismiss them being the cause of the problems. What is your answer then? Let me guess… communism? That seems to be the answer everyone on Lemmy espouses.

  • TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEvery dang day
    11 months ago

    Or could it be that we see policy enacted which tangibly DOES in fact make our lives worse, our community run down, and our family less safe? Why is it that in the 50s you could leave your front door unlocked without fear of someone stealing your stuff or harming your family? The country has gotten significantly more progressive since then. Would you feel safe doing that now? In big cities (overwhelming progressive) people are advised to leave their car windows down so that anyone trying to break in won’t shatter the window. In those same cities homeless encampments, open drug use, and relieving oneself in the streets has become the accepted norm. Call me crazy, but I liked it better the way it was before.

    Not all change is good, and not all conservation is bad. That seems to be a sentiment we’ve lost sight of.

  • TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEvery dang day
    11 months ago

    I’d like to make a nuanced correction to your statement. You state that conservatives believe that hierarchy is natural and unavoidable, and progressives believe in equality. As someone who considers themselves a right leaning centrist, I think you’re missing an important distinction. I believe that good people and evil people exist. I believe that hard working people and lazy people exist. I believe that kind people and selfish people exist. You can never have true equality in a progressive sense so long as those two sides exist. The evil, selfish, and lazy people will ALWAYS prey on the good, kind, hard working. It isn’t that we fundamentally disagree with what progressives want, it’s that we think they have an unrealistic utopian view. Sort of like how a child will say they wish for world peace. It’s sweet and well intentioned, but misses the reality of the world. As a native Californian, I can tell you that many of these progressive policies you want have led to increased violence, property crimes, and a general reduction in quality of life across the board, not just for the people at the top, but for literally everyone.

  • TheOriginalGregToo@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldEvery dang day
    11 months ago

    Obviously it’s not ALL Europeans. No country in the world is a monolith. The governments, however, ARE representative of the general will of the people. The fact that the governments of Europe (again who are representative of the people) are backpedaling on gender affirming care and pausing things like hormone replacement therapy, gender reassignment surgery, and shutting down gender clinics indicates to me that the general will of the people in Europe is one of transphobia.

    “Most American Republicans” are in the minority and NOT representative of the will of the people as indicated by the fact that our current administration is Democrat. We also affirm trans individuals by allowing widespread access to gender affirming care, flying the trans flag on public buildings, and highlighting trans individuals in mainstream media.

    For the record, my argument was not a “whataboutism”, but yours in fact was.

  • You clearly missed the point, but what can I expect…?

    I have no issue whatsoever with you bashing my side. What I DO have an issue with is you bashing my side and then staying uncharacteristically quiet as your side does the same thing. Selective outrage is hypocritical and disingenuous. Even your response here illustrates to me that you aren’t willing to suck up your pride and be honest. Rather than focus on the specifics of what I’ve said you ignore it and attack me personally.

    I would never consider Trump my guy. That being said I think he was treated unfairly by the media and those like yourself. Y’all spent 4 years claiming he was a Russian Manchurian candidate, that he would clearly start world war 3, that he would imprison his political opponents, and on and on. The sick part is Biden has come much closer to many of those accusations than Trump did and you STILL carry water for him. You should be ashamed.

  • What does any of that have to do with inflation?

    What caused inflation in this instance was the uncontrolled spending/printing of money by our government, and their mandates to shutter large portions of our economy even after COVID was shown to be less of a risk than initially feared. It’s absolutely true that Trump was still president when it began and COVID was having a serious impact on our economy. What wasn’t Trump’s doing was the continued spending and closures well after COVID had been dealt with. We continued to pass multi-trillion dollar spending bills under the blanket of COVID relief which in reality had next to nothing to do with actual COVID relief. Instead, our government saw a once in a lifetime opportunity to have what was essentially a blank check, and oh boy did they capitalize on that. Take a look at Biden’s baby, the Inflation Reduction Act. It’s a prime example of this. Even now proponents admit it did little to stifle inflation.