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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Some level of privacy, yes. Solely in WhatsApp-signal chats. And users can be notified of that, like they were with SMS.

    But you know what the alternative is? Nobody using signal. And that’s objectively worse.

    Cross-compatibility with WhatsApp would mean way more people on signal, and way more people willing to try, meaning more signal-signal chats. Meta would scrape metadata like when two accounts send messages and the like, but the contents of the chats would of course still be E2EE.

    Signal-SMS is FAR less private, but they were fine with that for years, and people are still angry about it being removed.

    Cross-compatibility removes the biggest hurdle for Signal - the chicken and egg problem of nobody using signal because they can’t talk to anyone. It would act as a Trojan horse for pushing signal-signal communication.

  • I’m a signal donor and while I disagree with your point regarding UI (have you used in the past couple of years? It’s went from feeling dated to feeling pretty modern), I agree with the rest.

    Even worse, though, is that the EU offered them the opportunity to become relevant on a silver platter, by forcing WhatsApp to open up their app and be cross-platform with others who want to. Signal said no thanks.

    I get it, WhatsApp stores metadata, and Signal doesn’t like that. But they were fine with (way way worse) SMS for a while? The day Signal chose that path was the day Signal willingly chose to be irrelevant for the vast vast vast majority of people.

    I love this app but the way the project is managed baffles me sometimes.

  • Intel graphics has improved leaps and bounds but it’s still problematic and more poorly supported than AMD.

    I imagine part of it (beyond general stuff like Intel trailing AMD in efficiency, both on the CPU and GPU side, as well as the die size being far larger for the same performance, meaning more expensive) is that Valve really didn’t want Intel graphics issues being reported in reviews and forums as being Proton/Linux issues.

    On top of that, Intel straight up doesn’t have a custom semiconductor division. AMD does (predominantly for Xbox/PS, but they’re not the only ones).

    Intel would either have to set up an entirely new working group for Valve (expensive! Something that Valve would’ve wanted to avoid considering they had no idea whether the Deck would be a hit or not) or they’d have had to go with an off-the-shelf intel CPU.

  • Tankie is a term that stems from the UK Communist Party (fringe political party) mocking/distancing themselves from some of its more extreme members that defended the USSR sending tanks in to quell civilian protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. And later, to mock those who defended Mao’s crackdowns.

    Since then, the term has evolved to mean any westerner who proclaims to be left but defends the imperialist actions and human rights abuses of Russia (despite them not even being remotely left wing anymore!) To a lesser degree it’s also applied to China.

    In short: a westerner who rails about how horrible and imperialist the west is, but falls silent or defends it when Russia or China do the same or worse.

  • You post a lot of pro-china stuff. Strange.

    And the Imperial College of London is one of the top universities on the planet, certainly in the top 10, as are Cambridge and Oxford (shit, those two are probably in the top 3). Pretending otherwise is stupidity.

    Clearly the university did have stuff China wanted, otherwise China wouldn’t have targeted it. You don’t have to be educated at IC to figure that out.

    And partaking in American nationalist chest-thumping while at the same time being someone who regularly defends China is pretty interesting. You’d think they’d be mutually exclusive.

  • They can absolutely be called tankies, the word has evolved, just like how fascists aren’t limited to Mussolini’s National Fascist Party, but instead applies to any extremely authoritarian right winger.

    To a tankie, it doesn’t matter whether Russia or China are left or right wing anymore, all they care about now is being anti-western. The US, UK, etc could turn socialist tomorrow and tankies would still hate them and defend Russia and China.

    Anything the west does is bad and imperialistic, and when you bring up the dodgy shit that Russia and China do, all you’ll get back is whataboutism.

  • Minor correction, although it changes nothing about your point:

    tankie actually refers to people who defended the crushing of Hungarian and Czechoslovakian revolts by Soviet military personnel, who went as far as sending tanks in to quell civil unrest.

    The term was originally coined in the UK and was an insult to British Communist Party followers who would slavishly follow the Kremlin line.

    Of course, the term has now evolved to mean someone from the west who seems to dislike the west and praises Russia and China, despite them also being Capitalist countries now, and generally being more into imperialism.