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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2021

  • Reddit admins have already put things in place to counter editing or deleting comments.

    I deleted an account from 2011 yet when I searched on Google for “site:reddit.com account name”, it listed loads of posts with their previous content (I used the script that changed all the contents before deleting).

    All SM sites have been doing this for a while: they’ll shadow delete your account but will retain all the data.

  • The idea of a government or at least a democratic consensus and few people spearheading certain efforts does make sense in my mind.

    Most people cannot imagine a world without a state. It’s absolutely ingrained from an early age that we cannot survive without one so people do not even consider alternatives.

    People with power/money are actively coopting every entity that can limit their power. You cant change that.

    Because those with power will always try to assert it over those with none. There is an inane belief that being endowed with wealth and/or power somehow makes them morally superior.

    Guillotines quickly dispel that myth! ;)

    if the government goes, another form of government comes and it will not be great because people arent educated and self thinking enough for that.

    As soon as people invest in their community and begin putting into place structures of support, the time will come when the state is removed, becomes impossible to reinstate unless those community structures are destroyed, because why would you need the state if people are doing things for themselves better, more efficiently and with less corruption?

    Our dependency on the state is nurtured because it exists only to maintain the status quo of the wealth & power of the elite class.

    It is impossible to reform such a corrupt institution.

  • Like large amounts of people register to vote under a party and may think of themselves as being under that banner. But they never actually join the parties in any official manner outside of voter registration.

    This is one of the weirdest things about US elections I don’t think I’ll ever understand. You register that you’re going to vote for a particular party before you actually vote??!!

    In the UK, it’s noones business who you vote, or intend to vote for, before or after an election.

    Some organisations might carry out exit polls but no-ones under any obligation to provide any information, or even if they do, whether it’s truthful information.

  • I’m not vegan. I just don’t drink milk and I’m certainly not advocating veganism because you don’t have the ability to commit to 10 minutes to make your own oat milk so howTF are you going to make such a lifestyle change?

    All I did was say how easy it is to make yourself as you complained about the cost and when you bleated about your very busy important lifestyle, laid out your options.

    It’s quite obvious the biggest hurdle to you making changes to your life is you so good luck with that and I hope it works out.

  • Nobody has the time to do that.

    Plant milks need to become way cheaper than currently 5x the cost for me in India.

    So you have 3 choices there:

    1. Examine your time management as you will have time that youre actually just procrastinating or pursuing bullshit that doesnt really matter as much as you think. (Dont lie - Very few people actually dont).

    It takes 10 minutes to make a batch. Less time than will take you to walk to a shop (see here for a simple recipe/process: https://minimalistbaker.com/make-oat-milk/ )

    1. Pay 5x the cost for plant based products - is your time really worth that much in exchange for the convenience?

    2. Keep drinking disgusting cows milk.