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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I primarily use logseq but have obsidian configured to use the same directory. I then use logseq for journaling and some tag notes that have searches and links kind of built in. Then I have obsidian for wiki or KB type notes. I can then link to parts of that in logseq. I also use obsidian for a few niche situations where the plugins add value. Its not a perfect solution but it works pretty well for me. I also typically use obsidian to folder directory organize my non journal notes, bit really you could just as easily use your file browser for that.

  • I actually use both Logseq and Obsidian. It’s not perfect, but Obsidian is more my knowledgebase and Logseq is my journal and sort of TODO manager. I have them all within the same directory so I can reference my knowledgebase, append to it, etc. from within logseq or the inverse. main issue is since logseq loves the bullet points it tends to whack out my headings and stuff in obsidian made notes

  • I’m a logseq user of about 6 months and overall really like it. It’s mostly built around the daily journal, which mostly works if you lean into it. I basically write what I did, todo’s or random thoughts for the day in there. I typically segregate my root bullet points into a handful of main “buckets” like a job, client or project. I used to do those with a hashtag like #job1 but moved to page tags like [[job1]] with sub bullets for main tasks, todos, notes, etc from each. i have many relevant hashtags for relevant subsystems/topics relating to the main ones.

    from there I have setup some basic pages for things like [[job1]] with a query to show TODOs with that task (see below), then some relevant reference notes, and sometimes some links to bullets from previous journals if i find i will likely reference them frequently. you also can see below the linked references, which is frequently useful. i also frequently put tags to other tags, pages, etc. within to help map everything together

    here’s an example of a very basic query I would keep at the top of the [[job1]] page {{query (and [[job1]] (task NOW LATER DOING IN-PROGRESS TODO WAIT WAITING))[[job1]]}}

    to your above, you have #workimprovements, you can either just jot those at the root as they come to you and include the full hashtag, or you could have a starting section of either [[workimprovements]] with various ideas below, but i would also suggest adding in other relevant hashtags for subtypes, areas, etc. another tip about hashtags, don’t go crazy with them – too many hashtags just makes a mess – but don’t skimp on them either. If you think you’ll use it frequently enough, or at least want to go back and reference it easily in the future, make a hashtag. you can use the hashtag plugin after the fact to find unused and remove hashtags you didn’t end up using.

    one thing I really wish they would add is similar to hashtags, but for people. Right now, I “tag” people with an @ in front of their name, so I might have @BobS requested X which sort of helps to go back and search for things related to @BobS, but it’s not natively done for fully fleshed out. It would be awesome if there was either native or a plugin functionality to more gracefully tie it together

    anyway, there’s my logseq ramble, hopefully it helps.

  • My opinion is probably in line with most; that for general “news” it’s just fine. For niche topics, most aren’t here or at least aren’t as robust as Reddit

    There are two relatively minor features that I do wish would be implemented:

    1. homepage defaults to Subscribed instead of all, or at least a way to set that as the default

    2. a quick jump to top of page button that stays present when you’ve scrolled way down the page. Not sure if that was a RIF addition or native to Reddit, but that was a nice quality of life feature

  • My very first smartphone was a hand me down iPhone 3G. I ended up modding the piss out of it with jailbreak stuff. Eventually used a friend’s Android phone, which I hadn’t really interacted with at that point and realized I had essentially turned my iPhone into an Android. My next phone was an Android and all of them have been since. If you’re the type of person who likes (and gets value out of) doing tweaking, you probably should just get an Android. Many of the things you listed are doable with apps downloaded straight from the Google Play store.