Software engineer, functional programming enthusiast.

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Cake day: April 27th, 2021


  • Why are you trying to distract from that?

    I am not trying to distract from that, I thought I made myself clear:

    this particular report seems to be more concerned with anti-Trans and neo-Nazi propaganda which is indeed a real problem, and their research here would otherwise probably be very useful

    But if Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL is defending the genocide of Palestinians, that is some pretty important context. If there happens anything in the report about pro-Palestine protests being equated with neo-Nazis, you need to take those parts with an extra few grains of salt.

  • “Illegal?” DS9’s S31 was protected by Starfleet Command. They were completely untouchable.

    They can be both protected and illegal. Sisko noted that the organization was completely antithetical to the laws of Starfleet, e.g. committing genocide against the Changlings of the Dominion (they used the actual word “genocide” to describe what Section 31 did in the show). But their existence was neither denied nor acknowledged by Starfleet. This is part of the reason why he asked Bashir to act as a double-agent.

    It was clearly analogous to the CIA, which for decades has been collecting money from the illegal drug trade and supporting terrorist organizations around the world, all in the name of “national security.” It was a critique of the US government, like most of the Star Trek episodes that deal with the moral shades of gray within the laws of Starfleet. It is clear from their political commentary that the shows morality was staunchly anti-fascist.

    And this new film on Section 31 completely reversing their former politics and joining with and celebrating the fascists is more than I can stomach.

  • Poisoning the well

    Yeah, that seems to be the M.O. of the Anti-Defamation League with regard to anti-zionism: poison the well against anyone who might feel empathy with the Palestinian people before they have a chance to speak, by equating them with antisemitism and Nazis.

    Ironically, the Palestinian people are technically Semitic people also, but their wells are being literally poisoned by white Phosphorus bombs “made with [white] pride in the USA,” and dropped by different Semitic people who have the privilege to do that.

    This is why white supremacy is so evil, it is so arbitrary. Who gets counted as “white” and that dividing line between enjoying privilege and being a victim of mass murder changes from day to day, and place to place. Zionism just happens to include Jews in that definition of white (while also excluding Palestinians), where as antisimitism excludes Jews, but both are white supremacy.

  • I am genuinely surprised that the US only abstained, not vetoed, this resolution. Something like the past 40 or 50 similar resolutions to help the Palestinian victims of war and occupation were all vetoed by the US over the past 30 or so years. I wonder if this might actually be the first such resolution not vetoed by the US in… I don’t even know how long.

    It is just so typical of a fascist state like the US what they do at the UN, where they talk big about upholding and enforcing international law, but then at every opportunity the US simply excepts itself (and Israel) from the law. They take exception by vetoing every single UN resolution ever passed toward the peaceful coexistence of ethnic Jews and Palestinians, and so the US keeps this White Supremacist project that is Israel to commit crimes against humanity continuously for decades, to such a severe degree that it spirals into a full-on genocide.

    Now, finally, the US does something to NOT overtly support White Supremacist genocide. That amazes me.

  • People who are right wing support fascism. Full stop.

    I very much agree with everything else you said, but I can’t grasp why you would make the extra effort to pander to them like that, it’s bizarre.

    You are right, and I also agree with you, so let me just clarify… there is a difference between people who unconsciously support fascism merely because they are apolitical, and people who are very deliberately fascist, as in enthusiastic supporters of the Republican party.

    Most fans of US movies are indifferent, and do not think of themselves as political beings. They think of themselves as just “ordinary.” Like a fish not knowing what water is, “ordinary” for an average US citizen is about as close to fascism as a person can possibly be without enthusiastically actively waving around swastikas – but there is still a difference between “ordinary” apolitical people like Tarantino and all of his fans who think of him as edgy, and someone actively wishing to purge the world of all non-white people. That is what I mean by “right wing” and not fascist.

    I think it is important to draw that distinction because I don’t like blaming apolitical people for being the victims of US mainstream cinema brainwashing.

  • Government bad, corruption everywhere, war for the sake of war, etc.

    I’m certain Tarantino would double down on that and I just don’t want it.

    Tarantino is kind of a bellwether for the mostly apolitical right-wing (but non-fascist) middle-class majority of the US population, the movie “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” convinced me of that. It also convinced me that Tarantino himself has lost the plot, or actually never really had it. He reminds me a bit of Beavis and Butthead, kind of just watching movies and TV all the time, sorting everything into the binary categories “cool” or “sucks”, except he actually goes out and makes films that glorify all he thinks is “cool” which happens to be a cross-section of all media that glorifies violence and toxic masculinity.

    So he likes Star Trek. Congratulations Tarantino, your “geek” bona-fides are authentic, but like the rest of the right-wing (non-fascist) middle-class majority, you really have no fucking clue and don’t care about the political origins of Star Trek and are just itching to erase them so you can make it into another “cool” movie that glorifies violence and toxic masculinity. You can fuck right off, Tarantino.

  • Ramin Honary@lemmy.mltoStar*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I don’t hate Star Trek: Lower Decks, but I did find it to be pretty boring. I watched the first 3 episodes on a flight last year and I almost fell asleep while watching it. The jokes just don’t land for me. I don’t know, it seems to be trying to be like Family Guy or The Orville (which I both love) but it ends up being more like “Our Cartoon President”, it is just dull, without edge. Maybe I will watch more episodes, it might get better, I don’t know. But I still haven’t seen all of DS9 and Voyager yet, so it will have to wait.

  • In an episode of DS9 I heard some of the characters mention that they not only have deflector shields, but also “structural reinforcement shields.” So whatever science-fictiony force field is used to protect them from phasers and micrometeorites is also coursing through the skeletal structure of the ship.

    When I heard this it immediately clicked in my mind: whenever the ship is hit with phaser fire the explosions happening inside are recoil from these internal shields. Perhaps the catastrophic damage prevented by structural reinforcement shields outweighs the localized damage of potentially fatal recoil.

    That is my favorite explanation, anyway.

    (This assumes all ships have structural reinforcement shields, and not just the Defiant.)

  • Ramin Honary@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlPlease, not again.
    10 months ago

    Yeah, Trump was big into genocide too, of the Yemenese. He personally vetoed a bipartisan resolution passed by congress to condemn the Saudis for their genocide in Yemen

    But then we see the genocide of the Palestinians by Israel happening right now, and Biden not only enthusiastically reiterates his support for Israel but works to punishe anyone showing support and solidarity with the victims.

    And that is why Biden is polling so low right now.