Weird, I just deleted my account, uninstalled the app, and moved to Lemmy with no desire to go back.
Weird, I just deleted my account, uninstalled the app, and moved to Lemmy with no desire to go back.
Which is EXACTLY why I just moved to using Vivaldi browser and StartPage as a search engine. Fuck these guys.
I cant hear American Pie without it turning into Weird Al’s The Saga Begins
Its all going according to Russias plan. Make Zelensky look like a bad guy to the MAGA freaks who wont argue when the full invasion happens.
Its pretty clear its on Europe to keep the continent safe. The US is out of the conflict.
I’d deal with several seconds of consciousness, but the minutes to hours of agony when lethal injection fails to knock you out would be hell.
I asked my mother a long time ago why they don’t do executions under full anaesthesia, and she said it was to cause as much pain as possible which I fully believe.
I love Karlach in the background
I was really enjoying these Nat-alternatives and you had to ruin it.
Fighting corruption should never be seen as a waste of time or money. No one likes to be the first to stand up, it’s easier to join an existing group. Google and Trump need to be shown that the rest of the world won’t go along with their bullshit.
The most British response I have ever read.
Dont need a sextant if you dont leave your house