• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • I wanted to like Mastodon but couldn’t. The only reason I used microblogging services like Twitter was to shitpost about Vampire: The Masquerade. Said game includes lots of death, blood, and other topics that make some folks uncomfortable. On Twitter, the atmosphere was very “don’t like, don’t read”, but Mastodon has an intense culture about using content warnings on anything that might make someone marginally uncomfortable. I’m cool with that, but I can’t do it on my shitposting or it sort of ruins the joke. Bluesky doesn’t have that atmosphere.

  • If it came down to it, I would take an extension to turn the video black, mute it, and click the skip button for me. Better than having to pull my attention away from what I’m doing to click the skip button or else have an ad that legitimately can play for hours on end. Having the pauses would be annoying but less so than the ad.

  • Over the past five or so years, I’ve watched the vegetarian frozen food section at my supermarket expand from one little freezer door with some Annies meals and Bocca burgers to five or six sections carrying even generic store-brand vegetarian and vegan meals. I don’t often buy prepared food but I like walking by to see what they have. Same with milk options - it went from a shelf with either soy or almond to a full section of different nut milks and flavors.

    Some of the wildest changes to me have been at festivals and events. It used to be that you got french fries or onion rings or popcorn and that was about it. Then they started making efforts, as misguided as they could be, like just slapping steamed veggies on a sub roll and calling it done, or serving pasta and plain tomato sauce. Now I go to festivals and there’s usually at least one really good vegetarian option at every stand, if not an entire stand serving just vegan and vegetarian options. I look forward to seeing what unique choices there will be rather than trying to eat ahead of time so I don’t have to worry about it.

  • People in the comments missing the point completely. The solution to animal cruelty is not human cruelty.

    Yes, eating animals is cruel to animals, but meat eating isn’t going away, and being cruel to the people who work in those places isn’t going to stop the industry. It’s just going to physically and mentally harm a lot of underpaid, overworked, poor, immigrant people. People who don’t have healthcare for the injuries they incur working in hazardous places, for corporations who see them as just replaceable parts of a machine. Being harmed working in these plants isn’t going to result in fewer animals dying or better conditions for the animals we kill. It’s just more senseless harm.

  • It freaks me out. I hate how they’re making it so we’re pretty much dependent on these corporate-run networks, which then in turn make it so you can’t discuss topics that advertisers dislike, and then you have nowhere else to go to talk about those topics online. Inevitably, minority groups are the first to lose out. There was an absolutely chilling article posted a little while back about a leaked plan from a US conservative group to make is so allowing any discussion of LGBTQIA stuff online would be considered pornographic and disallowed. There are very dangerous people who want to control what we’re allowed to say in online spaces and they are scary smart in how they’re trying to go about it.