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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • This is inevitable:

    Once the people in China can only see the CCP’s version of everything,

    & ALL stuff has been adulterated, either by AI or by some agency-or-other,

    THEN dissent should die-down in the Chinese population:

    Read Lanier’s “Foreign to Familiar” to understand how Tropical-Culture vs Nordic-Culture shapes people, & how old-cultures vs new-cultures shape people,

    then read Hofstede’s “Exploring Culture” to understand the dimensions of culture that his Cultural Dimensions Theory digs into ( power-distance, uncertainty-avoidance, “success”-orientation, & other dimensions )…

    & when you understand how we’re kind of “template” people, before being born into culture,

    but once born into it, our entire meaning gets framed within whatever culture we were born into…

    therefore, the CCP can simply remove most diversity-of-meaning from their completely-possessed-population, through a generation or 2 of that.

    Tibetan, Uyghur, Hongkonger, Taiwanese, Indian, South-Korean, Japanese, the intent is consistent: "the destruction of " … others … “is the midwife of Chinese supremacy”.

    I expect a similar kind of program to exist in all right-possessed countries, as the right is doing in the US, right now, with burning or banning books, eradicating proper education, suppressing libraries, etc, they’re just doing the same thing as what the CCP’s doing, only less-skillfully, is all.

    No real difference in their deeper heart/motivation/intent, though: supremacism, crushing/destroying all “other” kinds.

    Russia’s big on it, too, isn’t it?


    The “Crusades” were good examples of this kind of idiocy?

    The “Inquisition”?

    The “Buddhist” genociding of Tamils?

    So long as the “home” story is … “coherent”, & “justifies” all, then … kids grow up … believing, right?

    There’s a book, & a Big Think yt video, on “Collective Illusions”, which is important!

    Please invest in seeing that video, & see how it’s actually a delusion-mechanism in our minds…

    …used by political-forces, yes, but they couldn’t use it if it didn’t exist, could they?

    _ /\ _

  • Like Hitler’s “Krystalnacht”, right?

    JUST like Hitler’s “night of broken-glass”??

    US has a blanket-policy, that they NEVER bargain with terrorists: once you “appease” 1 of them, then the ALL are certain of their terrorism’s “rights”.

    US’s policy is simply to break them.

    Nonfatally if possible, but there’s no moral/ideological problem with killing them.

    The US … I expect only 1/3rd of the US’s population to be left alive, after US Civil War Part2, & the ever-escalating ClimatePunctuation has finished trashing things, these next years…

    When ww3 begins, the ContinuousHammerfall stage of The Great Filter ( 2035-ish ), I expect not 400,000,000 citizens in the US, but 4/3 hundred-million citizens left alive.


    Maybe the remnant left alive will understand the stakes, then…

    as I’m “sure” the rest of the world will, by then ( not a chance in hell, iow ).

    Socio-political-pressure NEVER kept humankind honest.

    Not in the old-testament, not in the new-testament, not in the mahabharata, not in the buddhist, or shinto, ar any records.

    IF humankind survives The Great Filter, THEN objectivity is going to be LAW among the survivors, however few they are.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoNews@lemmy.world[META] Political News
    1 month ago

    Immunize the mods against ideological-torque:

    all the mods who can afford to need to subscribe to https://Ground.News in order to SEE when the community is being moved off target by unconscious bias or by machiavellianism,

    and, seeing what’s happening, they then have the leverage to counteract it, by posting news items that’re being ignored, or underreported, see?

    Proactive correction ( :

    _ /\ _

  • Whether true or not, I don’t know.

    I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

    IF they did do so, THEN that doesn’t mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

    Apparently there’s some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards…

    Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

    How could it?

    We’re in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it’s required for humankind’s survival, that we get competent in journalism’s methodical & careful discernment.

    All of us.

    Our kind’s life IS at stake, this century.

    _ /\ _

  • Ah, but the difference

    Yehoshua “Jesus” ( Iosa, actually, according to a Roman friend I had ) benJoseph was:

    • falsely-convicted
    • by legalists
    • whom benJoseph had consistently shown to be hypocrites, &
    • they were using legalism to convict him, to get even with him.

    Trump, however, admitted in court that “Mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges” or something like that:

    Trump was convicted:

    • fair & square
    • honestly,
    • of actual-crimes
    • he himself committed.

    “Just like Jesus” my arse.

    _ /\ _

  • That HELPS Netanyahu.

    WHEN people with values/principles get out of the way of abusers in authority … then the abusers have an easier time of tilting the playing-field.

    Same as all the Democrats who vacated institutional-positions, “in protest” of abuser apointees, who then had an easier time of wrecking the United States.

    You have to get in harm’s way, & you have to remain in harm’s way, if you want the resultant-world to be worth-living-in.

    The Great Filter, this century, will test humankind’s ability to do that.

    If not, if “getting out of evil’s way” is humankind’s feelings’ choice, then harm/evil’s going to butcher humankind’s viability, & laugh all the way to humankind’s grave.

    _ /\ _

  • The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.

    What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.

    ( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.

    Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )

    I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?

  • It doesn’t matter, whether the declarations don’t match the results.

    Kehneman1 mind, imprint->reaction mind, ideology/prejudice mind, isn’t rational.

    It doesn’t matter, & he knows it.

    All that matters is that considered-reasoning, Kahneman2 mind isn’t permitted any “ground” in any discussion/broadcast.

    ( “Thinking Fast & Slow” is the single most-important book in the whole world, right now, for those who care to understand what’s happening in our world )