I refer you to my previous comment.
Of course, you are welcome to start your own community, with blackjack and hookers, and ban whoever you like from it for whatever reasons you deem appropriate.
… op should receive a temp ban for this.
Before you get panicky, proposed. Anyone can propose anything, and state lawmakers are a whole other kind of crazy.
I’m old, and I don’t personally understand the “images of text” thing all the time, but the kids seem to like it.
All efforts, great and small.
I used to think capital punishment only accomplished one thing: revenge. And I don’t believe the state should be in the revenge business.
I was wrong.
Capital punishment also accomplishes the state sending the message to everyone: We can kill you if we want to. It’s not a deterrent to any crime; it’s a deterrent to standing against the state for any reason.
Exercise is a good thing.
Exercise with the goal of being better prepared for :gestures widely: is an excellent thing.
It’s almost like they ran out and scooped up the easiest targets first, and now that the remaining targets are more difficult, they think it should be … easier?
All right, who’s making the decisions then?
You’d best never talk about radar or scuba.
Oh policy, oh policy! Wherefore art thou policy!
What is the point of a card game where whoever goes first wins because they can just continue to play more cards until they win?
My son taught me to play MTG once. Super basic cards, nothing crazy. Not only could I not keep up with what my cards did, all of the “this effect is in play, but except not this card, because of this other effect, and then there’s a couple other effects going on, too.” I couldn’t be made to care enough to figure that out every time.
You have to buy the amazing offers.
This is painfully accurate, And I don’t even play any of those card games.
Urban: Light poles, wherever you see other people posting stuff.
Suburban: Leave them in public restrooms, some grocery stores might still have bulletin boards
Rural … good luck.
It is perfectly legal to leave flyers at people’s houses, though you might want to be ready to gtfo. Do not put them in or on the mailbox.
Not every action is appropriate for every person. This doesn’t mean that actions that aren’t appropriate for you shouldn’t be taken by anyone.
“Why are you putting a single shovel of dirt into a sandbag, that’s not going to do anything against this flood.”
Don’t gatekeep resistance. Today’s boycotter can become tomorrow’s marcher, next week’s smuggler, next month’s partisan.
The question stands.