I’ve used Joplin for years now before was Evernote. I like it because it’s open source and the syncing option is built in, exemple either to Dropbox or NextCloud (I use both these options, DB only because I have a free option of 12gB otherwise I would use just NC) The syncing is painless as as I said built-in. It’s not a pretty app, fairly plain, but it works perfectly, on my android and Linix PCs, Arch and Debian. I did try Obsidian once. It’s pretty, but not being open source put me of. Try it again, takes minutes to set up, as again open source and works well
Until a couple of days yi would have said Liftoff but I must admit Boost seems slightly better, the pro version, the free version with ads is awful, but at only 3.50 euros that’s not expensive and worth the money