Just spin up the largest military manufacturing industry on the planet. Ez pz
Just spin up the largest military manufacturing industry on the planet. Ez pz
I only use chrome for my work stuff, and that’s because I work with g-suite a lot.
Chrome fucking sucks
Boost is why I’m here too :(
They have a Lemmy client but I haven’t been able to get it to work reliably for me. Which client are you using for lemmy?
Yeah the older ones are. But the new ones compete more with the XPS imo and they suffer for it.
I mean there’s a difference between normal steak and wagu too.
Like at my Walmart steak is selling for ~$10/lbs, and ground beef is like $6 or $7 per pound. Right now beyond ground beef is selling for ~$11/lbs.
And it doesn’t taste the same. So you will actually have to hit that $3/lbs mark your talking about before it becomes a good option. Because pork chops are already only $4/lbs
So this is a LG Ultragear 34" monitor.
So you have
Sure but the thing with TVs is a manufacturer will over 15 different SKUs of “a TV” that are all pretty different. Plus, a lot of the times (especially for TVs) they will still have a “normal” name.
Like Alienware sells a few different “Alienware 27 Gaming” monitors. But they only sell on “AW2725DM”
Child Sex Abuse Material.
Basically (and usually) child pronography.
I did this with a google home mini. I could not get it to work correctly, got mad, threw it at a wall, and put it in a box.
A few months later I found it, plugged it in, and it works perfectly. Except the strange rattle if you shake it haha
The US government has already paid over $200 billion across about a half dozen high profile infrastructure projects and countless smaller ones.
But we are supposedly up to ~55% coverage of fiber so maybe eventually it’ll be fine.
That’s pretty much the whole problem that SpaceX solved with Starlink
I also see (my parents recently “upgraded” to wireless nternet) better speeds and a whole lot less jitter.
My parents get about 100mbps both ways, and relatively consistent jitter. The jitter can vary depending on if there’s a storm or something but since those don’t usually blow in and out in a few minutes, it’s not really a problem.
No, none of the X line are. I really like the L line of Thinkpads. Those are still pretty solid and reparable.
Man do you remember how heated the “PlayStation vs Xbox” arguments used to get ?
Which Thinkpad do you have? The “Thinkpad” line has been expanded to basically all professional grade laptops now.
Yeah it’s Thursdays for me when I realize that I haven’t done shit this week and need to crank out a bunch of stuff haha