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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In Germany the city does that at least in smaller cities. Twice a year you can put all stuff that doesn’t go into regular trash out at the street and it gets collected. Think broken furniture, old electronics etc. People empty their garages and basements of all the stuff that accumulated. It’s common to have a walk through the neighborhood on these days to see if there is some cool stuff in there. Got my first skateboard that way as a teenager.

  • Dad’s got his finger on the literal trigger

    Index finger looks straight to me, generally I see not a lot wrong with their positioning and grip on the guns in this picture.

    Except for the fact that they are posing for a family picture with them - guns are not toys, they’re not accessories , they’re not decoration - their only purpose is being tools of destruction, handling them in any other way is improper to me.

    So in the picture it looks fine but the whole premise of the picture is the improper handling of guns in the first place, any sort of discussion about the content of the picture should begin there.

    Edit: Index finger straight next to the trigger guard is okay-ish I’d say, lots of caveats there, but resting your finger on the leading edge of the trigger guard (like the upper left guy) can lead to serious accidents by mistaking the trigger for the guard. Second guy from the left has better positioning of the finger but the one handed holding of a rifle while the other hand is free gives me the irks.

  • The start of the issue was when Europeans wanted Jewish people out of Europe after WW2 so they stole a shit ton of land that’s important to three different religions from the Palestinians and called it Israel…

    That’s not what happened. There was a strong desire for a Jewish state in Palestine for hundreds of years, in the beginning of the 20th century this was accelerated through the British mandate and immigration. The real story is way more complex and your representation of it is not only wrong but also negates the agency the Jewish population living there for centuries had in creating the Jewish state.

    Of course the horrors of the Holocaust had part in the decision but it was not because “Europeans wanted Jews out”

    Like I said the real history is waaaaay more complex, I suggest you read up on it - the History of the British mandate is a got starting point.

    Edit: link didn’t post for some reason - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandatory_Palestine

  • Another dishonest tactic - deflecting to an unimportant part of the argument to hold up the participant with needless explanations for metaphorical concepts.

    What the other user meant is that all we know about space travel is, that we need a lot of protective layers around our crafts just for leaving the atmosphere, so one would assume that craft that supposedly travel hundreds of light-years would need a very sophisticated kind of protection. But there is no way to deliver evidence to a theoretical concept, hence why I said your arguing is in bad faith my dear.

    edit: and now he takes the cowards way out of a failing argument by deleting his comments. That’s another tactic - ending the conversation, rendering all our arguments worthless and essential wasting our time. Jean Paul Sartre described it well in his quote about anti semitism.

  • It’s impossible to prove a negative, you simply can not prove that something ISN’T there. It’s such a transparent deflection and you know that, it’s a common conspiracy tactic, dishonest argument 101.

    As long as there is no physical evidence that proves the existence of extra terrestrial UFO we have to assume that they are not real. So if you want to maintain they exist, you’ll have to cough up some proof.