• 4 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • “Why is America so small on this map? Why are we not the only country? People tell me, no it’s it’s true, they do, they say America is the only country on the map. Everybody knows it. Our maps are yuge. We have the best maps. You know in the 1980s, I was going to buy a map making factory. All the jobs would stay in America, instead of going to ChGina. We would print all the maps if I did that. Everybody would want a trump map. That’s what they’d call it, because everybody loves me. And then I would buy Greenland, and keep the Mexicans out of the borders. We would have built a wall on the borders of Greenland and Mexico. The Mexicans would be so happy that we’re providing them shade. They’d even pay for our beautiful wall. Better than the great wall of ChGina!”

    I feel like my only two mistakes in this impersonation are:

    1. It’s too coherent.

    2. It stayed on topic.

    Ideally he would never fully finish a sentence, yet still somehow come off as racist. All the while drifting from topic to topic, while also saying nothing at all.

  • Holy shit, it’s you! I check the modlog often out of boredom (thats right, mods. I’m keeping you honest!), and you get SO many comments removed, and banned so often!

    I can’t honestly tell if you’re a full time troll, or a full time dumbass. Either way, your dedication to your craft is as impressive as it is horrifying.

    Kind of like thinking about how much detail and care went into the planning of 9/11. Thinking about the individual details will have you in awe of the sheer obsession to planning it takes…until you step back and are horrified by the results.

  • Alright…but, have you not been paying attention the past 4 years? Half this country (USA) REFUSES to get vacinated. I feel like at this point earth has just had enough of humans. So now it’s like “ok, covid killed 1 million of them. Lets do that…again.”

    And here’s the thing, humans as a collective don’t learn. There are comics from the early 1900s making fun of the people who refuse to wear masks to help against an often forgotten about global pandemic that killed like 20% of people globally. Your body would turn blue, because your insides filled with fluids, and you literally drown from with inside your own body. Morgues and hospitals were overflowing with bodies. People still refused to wear masks, and take medicine.

    Now I don’t trust these precautions to work, until they are vast and manditory. I’m at the point where people need to be treated like children. Actually thats not true. 4 years ago when the vaccine for came out, my niece was 8 years old. She got the vacine of her own decision, and said “that was nothing!”. Which is true.

    So basically I think some children are more mature than vast swarms of the general public, and this means simply releasing a vaccine isn’t NEARLY enough.