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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtome_irl@lemmy.worldme_irl
    15 days ago

    I couldn’t understand what you were saying, you didn’t use nearly enough lingo, so I translated it.

    "Ah, the almighty power of lingo—like the Swiss Army knife of social circles. Once you’re hip to the jargon game, it’s like spotting Easter eggs in every convo. At work, lingo’s the secret sauce for pushing complex ideas through the pipeline fast. But hey, here’s the kicker: it’s like having a VIP pass—you’re either in the club or left standing outside.

    Now, here’s where it gets spicy. Some folks take that lingo and flip the script—they don’t just use it, they manufacture it like a startup cranking out MVPs. Back in the day, this was mostly culty vibes, fringe-y circles looking to get the ‘us vs. them’ mojo going. But then boom—the suits came in, turned it into a science, and voilà, welcome to Corporate Speak 2.0.

    MBA-types are the real MVPs here. Knowing the latest buzzwords is like holding the golden ticket. If you’re still rocking last quarter’s vocab, well, tough luck—you’re getting a one-way ticket to Outsider-ville. Gotta keep your buzzword game on point, always watching the trends, or else risk going full ‘legacy system.’ Meanwhile, casuals who just want to dip a toe in? They’re hitting the eject button as soon as they hear ‘synergize’ for the tenth time.

    But hey, it’s not just the corporate world—we’ve got weaponized lingo all over the place now. Find a group that keeps updating their lingo like it’s firmware? Yeah, you might wanna run a virus scan on that one."

  • If I’m being honest, I don’t really feel like going back and forth anymore, it’s pointless. You’re free to think I’m wrong, I think you came across poorly and are wrong too.

    Neither one of us are going to change our minds and we’ve decended into responses with cut quotes and countless questions. Things like “I didn’t call them a drone I said they’d act like one.” It’s silly. There’s really no point in either one of us going back and forth, to do what? Are you really open to the idea that the war in the Ukraine is important, it doesn’t seem like it, and me spending time writing up response after response just wastes my time writing it and your time reading it.

    I hope you’re well man.

  • You’ve been trying? Your initial rant seemed very targeted at people and insulting, with plenty of name calling.

    You’ve been disrespecting people from the jump, saying only like 4 people will be able to understand you. You reject the idea that you might be wrong and that other people might have a point. You simply dismiss and attack people who disagree with you. You’ve had chances to prove your point and didn’t, at all, you just attacked people.

    Also saying you don’t care what’s happens in Ukraine is just heartless on a human level. If you don’t care if a country gets invaded and their people raped and murdered, well it seems like you don’t have any morals. You can say we should support them with money or weapons, I disagree but I can understand that stance. Saying you don’t care if they win it’s some cold shit.

    But regardless, when you enter the conversation saying people won’t be able you because they don’t get it and attacking groups of people, you don’t really have a lot of room to complain about people being disrespectful. You called people who might disagree with you “parrots” and “drones” and here you are talking about disrespect? Then you edited it and called people fragile, just doubling down on the insults. For a guy so upset that people are attacking him for a different opinion, you are did come out of the gate attacking anyone who might disagree with you. Get the fuck out of here with this victim bs.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    Surely you can see tha difference between “conflict,” which implies roughly equal power and moral responsibility

    It does not imply that at all, that’s a massive assumption on your end that you use as a point to press. Throughout history the term conflict has be used to talk about many wars/battles and not all of them were equal, at all.

    I’m saying I’m a conflict there can be genocide. But if anything genocide doesn’t even capture the full scale of what’s happening beyond the pointless killings. Conflict is a much broader scope, including things like economic impact, infrastructure damage to the county, etc. It’s not one or three other. I agree genocide is bad and this conflict is bad and you’re arguing with me about how I’m not saying it’s bad enough because I used a word you don’t fully understand. What are you even doing?

    You need to educate yourself on the terms being used and stop making assumptions then using those assumptions to label people. You’re mindset, while focused on something different, is bordering on MAGA.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    If America isn’t a democracy why would you vote? Please tell me how that’s mental gymnastics. What’s mental gymnastics is declaring democracy doesn’t exist because you don’t like the candidates.

    Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

    Got it, you think democracy doesn’t exist but every citizen has the same power as the president. Lol, from a guy who uses the term mental gymnastics all the time, now I know how you became so familiar with the term.

    Here’s an exercise: why do you think fascism is rising in America? Is it ideas, or material conditions?

    Because late stage capitalism is strangling the working class. So pro fascist leaders are using that to come into power. Just like every other before then, you blame all the problems on anyone standing in the way of your power and you tell people that you’re the only one who can fix it. Which is exactly, literally, what Trump has done over and over.

    Now how about this exercise. Tell me what democracy is, by definition, and how the US does not fit that definition.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    I’m not down playing anything, it’s you assuming and wanting to be extreme. Why don’t you call it the murder of innocent children, are you trying to play it down by using a single word?

    Jesus, it’s not even about the issues with people like you, it’s just an excuse to feel righteous and go after people.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    Jesus, why am I even wasting my time. I’ve voted in local elections, I’ve seen laws get passed by voters. That is how democracy works. You’re extreme view of “we can only vote for bad people” is beyond childish. The world is a fucked up place, we don’t always have the choices we would want. But saying some stupid shit like America isn’t a democracy is just ignorant and shows that you have no idea how or what a government is, let along are you equipped to have a conversation about it.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    Ok, so no one should vote. Laws don’t matter. Nothing is real.

    Wait, so you’re saying he has the same power to effect laws as president as he does as citizen? That’s just very wrong… You know plenty of dictators were voted in at some point right? A history lesson might serve you well.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    No, but if you look beyond a single isolated thing you’re crusading for your realize that sending weapons over seas isn’t the only power the president has. The president can make the world much worse beyond a single conflict in the middle east.

    You can’t see being that single issue. Other people are looking at long reaching impact. If my your admission they both want to send bombs, then look at what else they are doing. Try to effect some level of change and take action instead of just judging and bitching.

  • Lightor@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats be like
    26 days ago

    Nah, it’s just an understanding of nuance and being able to see the long term effects of this election. Everyone who is posting stuff like this doesn’t seem to give a fuck about anything but this. It seems you are all ready to let the world burn everywhere else as long as we stop sending bombs.

    To be clear, I don’t support what’s happening, at all. Full stop. But we have to help decide the future of one of the strongest countries in the world, there’s plenty to consider. For example, maintaining your right to even vote to effect issues like this in the future.