Mistakes can still occur. Just because it is designed to be resilient does not mean that it’s infallible.
Mistakes can still occur. Just because it is designed to be resilient does not mean that it’s infallible.
This is corporate trolling. Open AI is trying to go public soon, and Elon did this to fuck with that.
Massive oversimplification but basically: In the United States, you are required to take the best offer when selling a company, unless you can argue in court that you had reasons not to sell to whomever placed the highest bid. Because of this offer, as open AI attempts to go public, they will have to either to be close to Elon’s bid, forced to sell to him, go to court and fight him ther, or be forced to remain private.
I am sorry that you believe that all corporations have these magical systems in place to infallibly hire skilled candidates. Unfortunately, the idealism of academia does not always transfer to the reality of industry.
It is, because you now have the title on your resume and can just lie about getting fired. You just need one company to not call a previous employer or do a half hearted background check. Someone will eventually fail and hire you by accident, so this strategy can be repeated ad infinitum.
Well well well. If it isn’t the consequences of my actions.
If a protest isn’t disruptive, …
TIL I don’t have a problem, I’m just a chronically bad protestor.
Read that as “Larian, Head of Publishing Tears”, as in crying.
I for one am quite disappointed we didn’t get to enjoy this dumpster fire for a week or two. An NFT extraction shooter would have some of the most sophisticated cheats and bots gaming has ever seen built for it within a week. Also the eventual market crash this game would have would’ve been interesting to see. Not to mention the friendships ruined over losing a round of a video game where actual life changing money is on the line.
Again? Didn’t it already shut down?
Damn it really doesn’t change. New Doom that needs new cards even comes out this year too rofl.
Good point; The message may be undercut by the grammar. Effect is a noun/adjective. Affect is a verb/adverb.
Disregard if you were actually trying to state that the concept of the number zero goes out and affects people in some unspecified way whenever that statement is spoken.
Physical software lmao
I will never understand how they made the entire movie and then had any possible thought people would understand their perspective. The problem is they got lost in the utopia part of the fascist utopia. Sure their culture looks weird from our perspective and has a fascist paint job., but is it really that bad of a society to live in as depicted? Everyone is depicted as generally agreeing with society and it’s norms, society seems to filter people into the roles that actually let them reach the best of their own abilities and that of the culture. No semblance or poverty or even elitism – except against bugs which are mindless as far as the audience knows. The closest we get to seeing that the bugs might be sentient is a psychic dude telling us that a prisoner of war is feeling fear while it is bound, defeated, and surrounded by its enemies.
Set? Office Space? OH! So he’s going to reenact the movie !
Yeah I agree with this sentiment. Rather than seek understanding and openness, we should always strive to eliminate those who disagree with us, and never seek to progress our collective understandings especially through peaceful means. If you think about it, attempting conversion of another is immoral because it is an enforcement of your personal morality onto others. Therefore elimination and silence is the only just and good approach. Temporary peace among disagreeing parties is permissable, so long as it leads to the destruction, ostracization, or total exile of another group.
some random twitch streamer is worse than any person I’ve ever heard of. Wow what’d they do! It’s some video game leaderboard bullshit drama about Musk.
Lol fuckin quality journalism vice. Must be a really eventful news day.
People who seek first to run away to greener pastures rather than try and maintain their own are the true scourges of society.
Yes, they could remain private but they are attempting to go public. This action is a legal speedbump that they must now work really hard to maneuver around.