How to really feel like a man
- Ignore gender wars bait, there are way more important things out there.
- See step 1
Why, a hexvex of course!
How to really feel like a man
I see a lot of bait like this around, I also see a lot of double standards in gaming.
Protect the children: “Hey kids, have you heard about raid shadow legends? Why not go borrow mum’s credit card because it’s free.”
Fun insider fact - the gambling industry learned things from that game.
Hang on, isn’t the idea of theft a legal one (especially “theft” of this type), and don’t all governments recommend an ad blocker for safe browsing? So now, do you break governmental decree or corporate decree?
Wait a moment, UK digital misuse act: “Unauthorised Acts with intent to impair, or with recklessness as to impairing the operation of a computer”, notice that “recklessness” clause? Would serving ads that encourage PuP or straight up malware downloads be reckless? Damn right it would. Does blocking adblock fall under this - oh my yes (“don’t follow established safety regulations” is grounds for recklessness).
Sorry to say this, but the “it’s theft to skip ads” argument makes about as much sense as Epstein killing himself (he didn’t).
You know, one wonders if all academic works should be released under “academic license”…
Might be nice to sting these big companies for our free labour.
I mean, with winter coming in, and universities not bothering to heat the building, teams turning my potato work laptop into a furnace is the only thing keeping us warm this winter…
Serious question - is their long term strategy bad optimisation to sell hardware? Do they have shares in intel or something?!?
I think, and here the key word is think as this goes beyond my mandate so to speak, it’s more an act of resistance. A bit like protesting, but with less risk.
I’d say the aim is to rallying over retribution, to push those “good men” into fighting more strongly. It’s not a bad tactic, it’ll be interesting to see how it pans out.
It’s also not really that widespread, searches for it are up because it’s making the rounds is all.
The first time you say no to someone you really want to be with, that is when the 4B life starts. Till then, it’s just business as usual (I really hope you don’t sleep with/date people you don’t like!).
The life continues when you see them with someone else, and realise some things can’t be undone. People move on, they’re not static NPCs you can just reload and date later.
It goes ever on, life stops for no-one and it runs it’s course far too soon. To those who choose that path, make sure you know where it leads.
Edit: nice catch apostrofail! I’ll keep no-one though, I feel they need that special dash bond ;)
I mean, I have a foolproof way to always come out on top at a casino, it’s a simple trick that gamblers will hate you for.
I think that’s the conflation - Jews in Israel and Jews in New York state fall into the set Jews. However the right wing supporters of Netenyahu’s government are but a subset of the former.
A better comparison would be that the number of Jews in New York state was once close to the number of peaceful Palestinians and peaceful Israelis; meanwhile, the number of hardline genocidal Israelis was roughly equal to the number of Hamas terrorists. Those sets seem a better match, as they share more core categorical features.
Yup, most people of the Jewish faith are not the state of Israel. Much as most people of the Islamic faith are not terrorists. People mostly just want to lead comfortable lives.
It’s a great case of A->B being misunderstood as A<->B to justify incredible shittiness.
I do sometimes wonder if I should write a paper full of examples suggesting that this really simple misunderstanding of logic is what drives the enshittification of humanity _
Pretty much - most of us (scholars being a synonym for academics, a set I do belong to [lectureship in mathematics and statistics]) agree that bombing the homes of people into rubble and striking the camps they flee to is an intentional attempt to erase a cultural group.
Surprised Pikachu is much surprised.
Academic here - it’s 100% genocide. More so, it’s the worst kind of genocide, it’s sanctioned genocide built upon conflating a people with their government.
That’s incredibly cynical of you…
Well done! It is a scarily plausible scenario!
Halsin would like a word.
Counteroffer - spend that $30 on a drink and turn them down. Just keep on using windows 10 and clog up their support tickets _
Hits buzzer
The big windows 10 problem is that it updates to windows 11.
I’m richer than I’ve ever been, and I am far less spontaneous than I’ve ever been.
It’s not linear, it’s some weird polynomial equation!
It’s good in a way that isn’t really expected - the only thing I can say without spoiling is it did something really different with things that had been there a long time.