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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • I really don’t get it, I moved to NixOS some years ago. Okay, first few months I had to fiddle with configurations and add some packages that were missing. Everything past those early months was a blast.

    Replacing a dead laptop? The most time consuming part (for me) is making a bootable USB. After that I can push my already ready made configuration and just back to where I was (backs ups are important).

    Working on different versions of Python? No problem, a small nix script for each environment.

    Working with different versions of GCC? Same as Python.

    Everything just works. And if I fuck around I can revert the change. I can easily experiment in a way that will no fuck affect my ability to work.

    At work we have Ubuntu, and I got the conclusion that nuking Canonical’s offices will be a blessing on humanity. They manage to deliver broken packages for years, even packages that work well on Debian.

  • I don’t get the comment here, they didn’t ‘express their opinion’ about Israel. They behaved like a bunch of lunatics within Google’s offices. If you want to protest Google’s actions send a signed letter of resignation stating the reason, send it to the press and form a union of techies that won’t work for companies that work with Israel recursively.

    On a side note, I like how none of them mind building mass surveillance tools, pushing ads, Google-China relations, etc… But Israel’s genocide is trending, so they jump on that. What a bunch of shallow fucks.

  • I knew a very good looking girl, she was a student while I did my B.Sc. her parents paid for her studies but nothing more. She managed to work enough to rent a very basic place.

    However, she had no problem asking people for a ride, or to take their car for a ride. She would than shoplift a lot of food, including high quality ingredients. If something went wrong she smiled and cried her self out of the troubles.

    And the stolen food? she cooked a lot and gave away most of it.

    People are weird, and you don’t know what’s going in other people’s lives. Is it possible they are trying to make profit on the back of others? Yes, can it be something else? Yes.