Ya found me! 💕

  • Plants don’t have nerve endings, nervous systems or brains to process fear/pain. There is no comparison between 🐔’s & 🥔’ s.

  • Eating 🥩 because you enjoy it is the moral equivalent of watching 🐶 fighting because you enjoy it.

  • Feeding a cow for years, then killing it for only a handful of meals is wildly inefficient. ♻️

  • Studies link meat to heart disease, strokes, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.🫀

  • Beans are cheap af. 💵

(vegan btw)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • I mean, I am not a huge fan of the show and didn’t finish it. But the first season was stellar. But that aside, reading your other comments it seems like you don’t like a lot of modern shows. Which is fine, but personally I find older stuff I watched when I was a girl just sorta meaningless. X files had so many skipable episodes without serving the overarching plot. I’m honestly kinda baffled that you would prefer monster of the week instead of expanse and breaking bad, but you are allowed to think as you please. Just seems at odd with two of the most higely praised shows of recent history.

    And I don’t super appreciate being called bro… >_>

  • That’s… not what the poster was saying. Prestige TV extends much farther than the mafia genre, sopranos was just the turning point when higher budget dramatic things were more commonly greenlit.

    The Wire, Breaking Bad, Watchmen, The Expanse Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Mad Men etc all absolutely blow X files out of the water. And while I do love X files, the monster of the week format is not even in the same ballpark as those long form character dramas.

    I think you might be letting nostalgia blind you to how great television has become.

  • That it would drastically harm queer people and those questioning their identity. Social pressure, fear and shame keeps people from asking certain questions or exploring their desires when it’s potentially tied to them for life.

    Look at the while concept of “queer appropriation” by celebrities. Their entire life is public and ironically while feeling themselves out and experimenting with new presentations, it’s ironically met with backlash from some queer people thinking it’s a capitalist ploy to appeal to queer fans.

    Being able to just ask questions and explore is a fundamental part of understanding yourself. Anonymity is a precious gift, but one that is also easy to take granted.

    Edit: Also religious folk.

  • I feel for you and I’m sorry you also are going through it. I don’t blame you for taking umbridge with this all. But I also live in constant pain as well, after a dog attack a few years ago I can’t walk for more than an hour at a time, laying sitting and standing all hurt and even with pain meds, I can only get to a dull ache. I can’t work and the life I had before is gone, it was such shit trying to prove to skeptical condescending doctors saying just to do stretches and it will get better, but… Here I am still waiting.

    So while I feel where you are coming from with this time of chronic pain, I am ready to deal with this and other life debilitating conditions if I also get to feel like it was to run again, to climb, to see through the eyes of an athlete. To be able to walk normally and enjoy events again. I’d take my own pain and yours again to feel human again.

  • Honestly I think the pan, mask and the glasses are kind of a curse? How would I ever know if people actually like ME or just the glasses? All of my relationships would require keeping the glasses on, that’s just stressful! How would I enjoy the taste of food or ever try new meals if it’s always great? I’d just make the same thing over and over while being content, not actually happy. And if I sleep only an hour a day that’s just gonna put me out of sync with the world and lead to loneliness.

    The long cool down on the penny is honestly it’s best feature, gives you room to still live your life.

  • Tesla full self driving is no where close to ready and actively dangerous to any one around it, including and especially the occupants. But the autopilot is pretty convient and useful. I wish they would stop calling these patches “recalls”, it’s turning the term meaningless.

    Edit: “If the driver attempts to engage Autosteer when conditions are not met for engagement, the feature will alert the driver it is unavailable through visual and audible alerts, and Autosteer will not engage,” the recall document states.

    Super reasonable stuff.

  • Oh absolutely, this is a serious problem for some! I’ve read enough boar attack stories to know they are a legitimate threat. Cougar and wolf attacks are more common in my area, albeit rare overall. But all three animals are all very different than dogs, cats and pigs. Common ancestors sure, but absolutely very different today.

    Of course every human has the right to defend themslevss from animal attack. That’s just a very different equation than buying bacon at the super market while ignoring the suffering of a pig that never left it’s factory farm.

  • Well, this sort of thing is honestly above any social media’s pay grade, so I will only tell you what I did after talking with my therapist

    I know how this feels and I’m sorry you are going through it too. After the only member of my family who was even remotely kind to me died (and even that was an abusive relationship), I cut off contact with everyone else related to me and my life has only improved. It’s been about 6 years now but i am much happier for it, no judgement, no yelling, no control, life is just… quieter.

    You can’t control how others act, and your father has had several decades to reconsider. At a certain point, you should just protect your own well being and go no contact.

    Being a part of your life is a privilege, not a right.

  • Lol sure, but wealthy straight cis white men have always had full right to marry, arms, or vote. Every other group of people has had to argue for those freedoms, while others are considered the “default person”.

    Do trans people vote for someone that will allow them Healthcare or the one calling their existance pedophilia? That’s not a choice, but it’s a position many trans people are uniquely in. Just as black Americans had to argue for their freedom, to vote, to self protection. Just as women have to vote and own property. Just as queer folk have to marry.

    Indifference to these situations means you’re rights are so taken for granted that they will never be stripped away, so you are afforded the luxury of swing both parties the same