26 / chaotic neutral / autist / fedi: @flaky@furry.engineer

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • When I’ve used it, gapless playback being non-existent due to it basically being a frontend to the web client/MusicKit for web. I listen to a lot of albums in full nowadays, so that can really hurt the experience. It’s a shame because everything else about it is great. I am aware that the Cider devs are trying to find ways of handling that without reliance on the web client/API, which might enable gapless but also stuff like lossless if you got AM for that.

    Edit: I should mention that Cider has a new client that’s paid but still supports Linux (specifically with AppImage, .deb and .rpm packages), and my experience was with Cider Classic.

    Edit 2: I bought Cider 2 and so far it’s working well. You sacrifice lossless and maybe some gapless playback still, but it’s a mild loss vs. so far a huge gain in usability.

  • I use an iPad, am subscribed to Apple Music and also use a Hackintosh setup (aiming to replace it with a MacBook of some kind in the future).

    • The tablet market is pretty much “ignore everything else and just buy an iPad”. There is no tablet really worth your time on Android, most of it is due to Google and the Android ecosystem practically abandoning the tablet form factor. Meanwhile Apple still supports the iPad to this day and there are plenty of great apps that support the iPad form factor, such as Mona for Mastodon
    • I used to use Spotify for streaming, but found that it was getting increasingly annoying to use. So many long-standing bugs including one where if I download even one song on my phone that’s in my Liked Songs list, the entire app takes like 30 seconds trying to load it. Apple Music handles large lists so much better. The library management is also so much better than on Spotify too, with it basically just being “iTunes but as a streaming service” and I can have smart playlists for whatever purpose I want. Their consistency with regards to UX across the different target platforms aren’t great (iOS and Android can’t create or update smart playlists, Windows and Mac don’t have word-for-word lyrics) but even with all that, it’s the least annoying streaming service for me right now. (and yes, I maintain a local music library with MusicBee - streaming is helpful for discovery)
    • I’ve been recently using my Hackintosh more and it was really comfy using it. I have issues focusing on a single task (which might be ADHD, might not be, idk) and the full-screen mode allows me to focus on the tasks on my screen.

    As for your point on bloatware, this happens on Android too. I can’t remove Facebook, OneDrive or YouTube from my phone, only “hide” it. (Samsung btw)

  • There’s a theory going round that the PS5 is going to be that “breakout box” for a PC-based PSVR2 setup. I’m not sure if Sony wants to spend that much on getting people out of their ecosystem when it’d be better to have their own solution, or as Oculus had done, let Valve port Steam Link to their platform. This might be the most likely situation, as it gives access to SteamVR in a way that doesn’t require as much R&D from Sony.

    That being said, I would love to have a native PCVR setup (even if it means piping a video through a wire as Oculus does to maintain compatibility with even NVIDIA) and if Sony goes that way somehow, I’ll be happy.

  • Bluesky’s development has been pretty democratic, moreso than Mastodon where one guy basically leads the entire trajectory of the fediverse (at least from a mainstream perspective) from what I heard.

    As for Jack, hasn’t been on Bluesky for a while now - he prefers Nostr. Even though he’s on the board, he’s not attended any meetings nor has he dictated how the platform should go. He just threw money at it and ran after the community didn’t take him seriously.