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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • You think that’s bad, you should take a gander at the official news sources in Jacksonville Florida. I don’t know if they’re still this bad, but as I recall they have not one, but at least two big news publications, both produce articles that look like they were written by grade schoolers. Anything that wasn’t copy/pasted from the AP seems to be written hastily by somebody who dropped out before understanding English. I’m sure many other cities have the same issue. The one is called news five or Jax 5 news, and the other is first coast news. They’ll hire anybody to write apparently.

  • Remember they said light poles on the highway were taken out by the plane’s wings too? That’s not even a remote possibility in my mind, cause those poles were like a few feet wide and made of reinforced steel, in theory a plane should just lose its wings and shake, or maybe bend the pole while leaving it standing. But that would explains the lack of any wing impact on the building. Also that wall (only that one wall weirdly enough) was reinforced in such a way as to withstand missile strikes I’ve read. This would explain either version of events, cause the wall would implode the wings on impact most likely leaving little trace aside from small debris, which… don’t even get me started on the debris, but would also be likely if there never were wings, like in a missile strike scenario which may have rendered those light poles destroyed by accident for all we know. Either way it’s suspicious as fuck we only ever got 2-3 frames of the security gate footage, and none from the gas station I believe it was across the street who caught the whole picture.

  • Because the FBI gave the terrorists all the training, weapons, and about $2bn in cold hard cash money that lead to them being able to commit the act. Because “jet fuel doesn’t melt steel beams”, although it does weaken steel beams. Because engineering and demolition experts came out and said the whole thing seemed coordinated exactly in the way in which they coordinate tear-downs for a living. Because the terrorists who on the same day planned to blow up the George Washington Bridge got sent home on a plane and were never spoken about publicly again. Because it was obvious Saidi Arabia had a hand in it, which later became confirmed fact, and we’re buddy buddy with Saudi, so somebody had to have known something was going to happen but didn’t sufficiently try to stop it on our side of the water. Because the Bin Laden family and the Bush family have a weird amount of connections. Be cause conspiracy theory culture was seen as more typical/harmless, and less of a thing for Nazi terrorists like today. Because the FBI had Bin Laden dead to rights in 1998 and had a bedside conversation with him instead of taking the opportunity to kill him while he was on dialysis. Because the 40 years that preceded 9/11 were lousy with proven incidence where our leadership, specifically the FBI & CIA in conjunction with corrupted presidents, in which American citizens were coerced, sabotaged, drugged, tortured, and killed, and all the leaders had to say about it was ‘whoopsy doopsy, so sowwy’

  • In my area it’s like they want you to be poor. Those legitimately posted listings in my area are exclusively “scams”, in that they will technically hire some people through those listings, but in reality they’re just hiring immigrant labour for pennies on the dollar, and using state-funded labour agencies to promote these jobs which objectively could not support American citizens. I’ve seen one listing that said they wanted harvesters for crops, they were paying by the amount picked, not an hourly wage. This is a classic scam where you end up getting less than minimum wage, and the Federal government has to step in after the fact to get you up to the disgustingly low minimum wage to make up for that discrepancy.

  • Discs are harder to ruin than they’re made out to be. My best example is a physical copy of grand theft auto san Andreas for the original Xbox. I got a free old copy that was considered useless, because it wouldn’t read, the shiny side of the disc was scratched pretty deeply. I took it to the game store and told them “I know this probably won’t work, but humor me, run this through the resurfacer please”, which cost me $2. They have a $30,000 machine which actually grinds an even surface on the shiny side, adding a new layer of plastic they said, but it did in fact work first try. I still use that disc to play the game with no issues whatsoever. If anything, it’s the least glitchy copy of GTA I own physically.

  • You ever heard of ‘time and place?’ Like when you’re on line at an ice cream shop; it’s not the time, nor the place to whip out your genitals and take a fat, farty shit on the floor… On account of you’d look like a crazy ass hole. If somebody then called you out, and you proceeded to smear the shit all over your face, you’d look like an even bigger, crazier ass hole. Get it? Your above comments are kinda like the verbal equivalent to smearing your own farty shit all over at the wrong time and place. Nobody cares if you do those things, but maybe do them amongst other farty shit boys in your own venue, so you don’t stink up the place, 'ya know what I mean?