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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2024

  • Ive cosplayed a handful of times. Maybe 4 or 5? Elektra Netflix version was most fun as someone gave me their sparing sais and I found other Netflix Daredevils at the time to pose pics with and pretend to spar.

    I was Momo from My Hero Academia. A generic agent from Psychopass. The gun prop i have is fun. It flashes and talks. Jealous now though as there are some that transform. It was cool when I found other characters from the show.

    Lastly, I was a terrorist from Counter Strike. I had rubber knives, grenade, sunglasses and I drew a mustache for myself!

    I havent cosplayed in a while though and havent been to any conventions lately

  • Yes, they are required to treat anyone, regardless of status. EMTALA.

    For your first question, we know and if not directly told, sometimes we have high suspicions. I employ social workers who directly ask what their social situation is (housed, finances, etc) and for any uninsured we ask if they would like Medicaid. More often than not they disclose (CA is a lot friendlier than TX) and we document it and find the appropriate resources for them. If they dont tell us, we dont document our suspicions (because we cannot objectively confirm) but we can def tell. They tend to speak another language only, be very guarded with their questions, etc. We often have Chinese and Hispanic individuals undocumented. We connect them to MediCal, PRUCOL, and treat them like anyone else, providing them as much support and resources as possible.

    I’m not sure how forthcoming they are in Texas but im very positive these Texas hospitals also know which active and prior patients are undocumented if that information is disclosed. It is not difficult to search charts.

  • My husband has specifically asked me not to talk to him about politics. He has verbalized he feels powerless and wants to focus on things he can control more within his immediate realm (dont worry guys, he’s still voting Biden). He’s also asked me to decrease the amount of depressing topics I share with him overall. I did tell him I recommend him read up on it because its “scary AF” and that I was quite scared

    However, I do agree with other posters that its the lack of news coverage on the topic is why so many people are uninformed. We need more individuals to share and educate about this.

  • I have a credit union and unfortunately a Chase account now. I had to open a banking account with First Republic to refinance my student loans from 6.7% to 2.75%. They were the only ones that took on high student loans (lot of medical professionals) and required a constant $20k in the bank.

    Once my loans are done in a few months though, I am moving everything back to m y credit union and closing Chase.

    To speak to some others like my in laws, husband, and my own parents, likely plus a few friends:

    1. They believe that banks offer more services and even more security than a local credit union (ironically my FIL is board member of a credit union but banks with a bank)
    2. Like that there tends to be brick and mortar locations nationwide
    3. Dont know any better (this is most people I believe, unfortunately financial literacy in US is low. Lemmy is not representative of general pop)

  • I’m not familiar with other skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) outside of California but I believe if the skilled nursing facilities in California are struggling to survive, there is a possibility that others would as well with this requirement. Already operating margins have been shown to be at break even or negative before Biden’s initiatives [1], [2][3, note to add, i can count on my fingers, 10 yrs in HC, how many ppl pay privately for SNF].

    The whole sector is honestly a mess unfortunately and I have so much to say. I will keep it simple though. I do not think the prices will rise or will be passed onto consumers like the above poster suggests because SNFs cannot control Medicare or MediCal reimbursement/payments (which is the bulk of their clientele). I think they will simply close down, especially with Bidens requirement, leaving less options for any patients needing short term care (iv abx before going home, wound care, rehab) and almost NO options for patients that don’t have money to live anywhere else. Already, sometimes I have to send long term pts 200+ miles because I can’t find any SNF beds closer. There has been a nursing shortage in SNF for so long, and Bidens requirement does not address any issues currently with the SNFs. And just adds a HUGE problem, likely to cause many SNFs to close down. That’s why I am against the nurse requirement.

  • I def think Arrowhead had some shared responsibility for it. Going into a contract with Sony, they must have known the PSN account was a requirement but no one on either side mentioned it until it was going to be implemented.

    If PSN was required from beginning, it should have been enforced/limited to specific countries. If it had “technical issues”, maybe they should have fixed it much sooner than 6 months.