Anon is emotionally stunted and this person really loves them but doesn’t feel it back. Anon needs to express themselves better
Anon is emotionally stunted and this person really loves them but doesn’t feel it back. Anon needs to express themselves better
You can buy all of wikipedia for like 100 bucks on a flash drive and can download the whole thing for free.
It ain’t going nowhere
Again I 100% agree however…
The dude who saw it at $7 and said it was gonna pop, doubled down after $400 and still believes it’ll pop again.
He knew the first time, he’s smarter than me, he didn’t sell. I am still in the green by like more than double where I was at the start. I’m gonna continue with my gut and believe this dude knows something I don’t because so far he hasn’t made me think otherwise.
Everything else literally anything else besides what I said in this post is noise to me you know?
But that’s not what we’re talking about. GameStop’s success has nothing to do with what I’m waiting for. The stock isn’t up because GameStop is a good company. In fact the opposite
Watch the Big Short easiest way to really explain. The stock was worth $7 then $400 then stock split. If the split never happened the stock would be worth $100 and that isn’t because of the fundamental regular stock reasons it’s because the dying company didn’t die and now their valuation is fucked up.
Disagree with that. The company is dumb and Cohen failed in trying to make something out of it don’t really care about that but I do have GameStop stock from the GME shitshow and there’s no bags anywhere at least for most of us.
If the stock split never happened the stock would be worth $100 a share right now. Obviously something is wrong with that value estimation because it’s definitely not worth that much.
I really just threw in my covid check but what really made me think it’s still worth is the original guy who saw value when the stock was worth less than $7 doubled his position and still to this day is holding on. He knows more than me and he saw this happening and probably sees something else too that I don’t understand so whatever I’m still holding a good amount of GME.
I would 100% agree on that but something that has kept me apathetic throughout the whole entire shebang was the guy who saw the squeeze when the stock was worth $7 bucks double downed after the squeeze which means he was confident in his analysis that it would be worth more.
Currently the stock would be worth like $80 right now presplit. I threw my first trump covid check into that and a few other stocks and that one has just sat. I’m still in the green now and I do think one day it could go critical again but not because of Cohen.
Okay but if you literally only listen to video game soundtracks at least try a little
I never understood this game got bored so fast
Literally Michael Jordan
this series good? never read the books and know nothing about it so I feel like even if it’s bad I might like it right?
Nope! It’ll probably just crash or something instead
Okay honestly I thought all of that was fine but it crossed a line with the stroking
I just got out of a relationship and holy fuck that shit is infuriating. Everyone’s gotta side curious what happened here.
Also are you the horse from Bojack Horseman? I’m literally watching S1E6 right now.
Why is breloom in there
already there baby ❤️
Just wait a year or two and it’ll be half the price or better
I just don’t really see anywhere in here a joke about transfolk, just about an old woman being ugly. I think the real joke is Austin is a bit insane I think this is soon after he’s thawed right?
Jimmy Carter was a fantastic president anyone who thinks otherwise is likely why we’re in this current situation, of any situation from Gaza to Trump to climate change
I don’t think that joke is very problematic. She’s not trans, he’s a spy. It’s more a joke about older women than anything
actually crying laughing after reading this