Ahhhhhhhhh I am so unsure of the ratio of sarcasm/irony to reality here ahhhhhhhhh
Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
Ahhhhhhhhh I am so unsure of the ratio of sarcasm/irony to reality here ahhhhhhhhh
Reminds me of this guy on floatie in the ocean. Once being rescued he was all like “It’s fine, mate, I’m chillin” xD
“It’s just a joke” is perfectly valid, dammit. Once. After that, do not repeat it - you already know the person you aim it at doesn’t enjoy it.
Wait. Isn’t there military side of court that does literary this? And what’s more, it has access to heavier penalties because military can be more heinous?
First person: male
Third person: female
System: hacked
Edit: Do it in one game and you also get trans inclusivity tag! ^^
…I am sorry. This will be forgotten in instant. Not because people forgive easily, but because these companies offer what for most people is part of their lifestyle.
Me, not a deaf person
Receives voixmce message
never bothers playing it
This isn’t WWII, we aren’t in war. By letting go of free speech you are letting goverment tell you what is ok to talk about, and by doing that you allow them to expand taboo. In times of need like today, that is necessary evil, however normally that is something out of horror.
For example, whether you agree or not, at the end of WW II communism was seen as almost as bad as nazizm, and in USA I think, may be wrong, that it was seen as worse. What’s bad is that every social policy is coupled with it mentally. If free speech wasn’t a thing, USA could tell it’s citizens that talking about nazizm, communism, social policies or unions is strictly forbidden under threat of, at least, financial fine.
While without context I’d agree that banning a gesture is a bit much, especially with such steep measures, I think that in a world when one of the de facto co-leaders of major if not the main world superpowers openly does nazi salute twice, we need to up the guard and cut this shit in the bud.
And as you said - we don’t know how to solve USA becoming a nazi state rapidly. Nobody does. And third reich ain’t gonna hold a candle to USA if they decide it’s time for blitzkrieg. So doingall we can to damage and reduce nazizm where we still can is admirable.
See, I am overall against any and all limits of free speech but…
Yeah. Context matters. And in current world context, good job Australia, hope outher countries take notes.
…ya all talk about this from boy side, now think about girl side. Feeling it floppin all over inside.
Using Edge daily. I like it, it’s comfy, it doesn’t hog all resources like chrome.
I admit I had to learn more about USSR during our convo. And however much I hate admitting this, it would me insincere of me to not admit USSR had more sensible politics internally than I thought when it comes to food. They were, however, still insanely brutal and sadistic regime while dealing with anything comparable to opposition to their goals. So yeah, thanks for broadening my horizons, but please never state USSR was in any way or form good guys. They massacred, murdered, invigilated and abused, not unlike Nazis, at least in Poland.
A lot if not most of Europe still uses gendered bathrooms. But yeah, no gaps.
It can. Mostly because if a person enters wrong bathroom, everyone there will focus on them. With women going into attack mode.
Except that if not there, that person will find another moment. x_x
Enemy Territory is still very much alive.
Checked with my friend and checked few other sources on this. Friend, who studied history, knew about these - other articles also mention that such tries were held, and the Nazi hate towards communists is known to me, however the reason why it failed is different for each point of reference I have so I am unsure what to make out of it. Still, learned something new. Thanks.
Western Powers did, in fact, take offense. But it was too little, and Poland fell quicker than anticipated. Also, Polish goverment didn’t collapse so wtf are you talking about - it went into hiding but was still very much active. And it’s kinda hard not to see Soviets as aggressors when they also attacked and massacred Polish side and were comfy enough to, after “freeing” land on their way to Warsaw, just sit outside it and wait for Nazis to do their cleanses. -.-
Feeding those who need it? That’s why people died of hunger under USSR? Yeah, in Russia they took care about theirs. Every country other than Russia was, however, at best ignored, at worst plundered. And yeah, there were stores - famously empty stores. I heard about them from my family members, about the lines, waiting whole day, about exchanging goods for favors among people. Also, I am not from US and trust me, I am not seeing them as paragon of virtue either.
People were incentivised to basically snitch on each other for any and all hints of not following what the “glorious” USSR wanted. So it was common that people used them to go higher in standing or get what they wanted. Especially folk who liked the newfound power that USSR granted them over their neighbours.
I know they hated each other and never said otherwise. But they cooperated to fuck everyone else. Only after Nazis attacked USSR, did USSR move against Nazis.
Most people won’t quit, especially in the US from what I know. If they are already underpaid, how can they quit? And if pretty much every place treats waiters the same, what choice do they have?
Bull. Supposed to breed. Biology.
Until you also take the whole human shtick of defying nature, then yeah, supposed to do nothing.