• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • There’s not a musician that havent heard other songs before. Not a painter that haven’t seen other painting. No comedian that haven’t heard jokes. No writer that haven’t read books.

    AI haters are not applying the same standards to humans that they do to generative AI. Obviously this is not to say that AI can’t plagiarize. If it’s spitting out sentences that are direct quotes from an article someone wrote before and doesn’t disclose the source then yeah that is an issue. There’s however a limit after which the output differs enough from the input that you can’t claim it’s stealing even if perfectly mimics the style of someone else.

    Just because DallE creates pictures that have getty images watermark on them it doesn’t mean the picture itself is a direct copy from their database. If anything it’s the use of the logo that’s the issue. Not the picture.

  • What is Israel supposed to do? I’m genuinely asking. I’m not implying what they have done is what should’ve happened but I’m genuinely puzzled what the imagined alternative would have been. You don’t react to Hamas’s attack by packing up your shit and leaving. You don’t respond to it by asking what your enemy would like you to do differently so that this doesn’t happen again. You retaliate. It’s blatantly obvious that’s what you do especially since they have a superior military. How do you retaliate? That is the question I’d like answered. What is a reasonable and justifiable retaliation to their act?

    If you catch a kid throwing rocks at windows you don’t shoot them or punch them in the face but you don’t pat them on the head either and give them candy. There are better and worse ways to deal with it here.