Owner loyalty is a subscription service, natch.
Owner loyalty is a subscription service, natch.
Yeah. Generally, brown is more expensive than white, organic is more expensive than non-organic, free-range is more expensive than caged etc. The current situation has rendered everything fucking expensive, though.
The eggs are pretty small.
There was a news story a few days ago about somebody heisting 144,000 eggs from a delivery truck in PA.
Swastika would be more accurate.
I live in a Philly suburb (sorta coastal) and they’re $10 a dozen right now.
I have a coworker who keeps about 250 chickens at her house and sells the brown eggs for $5 a dozen. Meanwhile, a dozen white eggs at Shop-Rite are $10.
Waaaaaaaay back in my Visual Basic 5 days I used to hide easter eggs in my corporate apps. It was always just a dialog box that would pop up randomly saying something kinda funny. To keep them from being discovered by the other developers, I would put the code in some obscure file and instead of a (searchable) string variable containing the text for the popup, I would convert it to a concatenated series of CHR(ASCII#) statements, and then each line of code would start with a couple of hundred spaces, so it would only ever be seen if someone happened to open the file and also happened to notice that there was a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom. We got many bug reports about the easter eggs but nobody was ever able to locate the code that was producing them. I might have been fired for this but probably not - nobody really cared much about shit like this in 1999.
then proceeds to recklessly dismantle
huge parts ofthe US government
Just give him a few more weeks.
When I was young, you (supposedly) could still buy WWII-era original Jeeps disassembled and packed into crates in cosmoline. I always wanted one of those but never had any desire to own a modern one.
I’m a school bus driver - kids love the things and go apeshit whenever they see one. Fortunately, not many elementary school kids can afford one.
I read a reddit post recently by a guy who had bought one for $135K after shelling out $50K to a broker to find him one. He was wanting to sell but couldn’t get more than $70K for it lol.
I’m totally amazed that they pulled that off so well.
That’s been their MO for a long time now. In the runup to the 2000 election, Al Gore’s inarguable main strength was his championing of the Internet, such that “{whatever} superhighway” (derived from his coining of the term “Information Superhighway”) had already become a well-worn joke format. Karl Rove took Gore’s perfectly defensible - and actually 100% true - claim that he “took the initiative in creating the Internet” and through simple repetition turned it into “Al Gore claimed to have invented the Internet”, making Gore seem like a crazed person. Which helped Bush Jr. get elected and cemented the GOP’s current control over the Supreme Court.
“Where’s the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!”
This is why I always assumed that any attempts at deportation would be shambolic. Too many Republican business owners employ undocumented immigrants for them to tolerate actual mass deportations. That being said, I’m sure they’d be mollified with prison labor - which I think is coming.
WW2 is more of a call of duty plot
It’s the war Tom Hanks won.
Doing a nazi salute while making the Mussolini face, no less!
the white flag stereotype for France comes from 2003
It actually comes (unfairly) from the French army mutinies of 1917 and (also unfairly) from France’s surrender to Hitler in 1940, in addition to their not joining in the fun in Iraq. All of which obscures a prior thousand-year history of kicking the shit out of people.
That laptop lol.
How could you miss “MeinSpace”?