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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2024


  • So free University only for majors you deem worthy? Or only for profit minded disciplines? MBAs yes, but art history no?

    Besides, economic desperation makes people make poor choices, and I’d wager that most people taking on debt for education don’t consider it a poor choice. Often higher education is key to economic success, but given tumultuous economic conditions in the past decades…things haven’t panned out for everyone, which makes those decisions look worse in hindsight.

    You can’t claim everyone with student loan debt has it because they’re a worthless hippie art student. The increase in the number of bachelor’s degrees made it more competitive to get jobs requiring those degrees, meaning people need to get them just to compete…so people wind up shackled with debt.

    It’s free to be sympathetic to people who are in a tough situation, even if they bear some responsibility for it. We all do.

  • Nowhere in my comment did I suggest that, because it would be a silly way to deal with such a big problem. It takes a lot of training to help people in crisis, and a lot of infrastructure to get people on their feet.

    It’s not your responsibility alone, it’s not my responsibility alone. If you’d like to discuss any of the points I actually made, great. Otherwise you can try to oversimplify the discussion and I won’t respond anymore

  • What if the road to becoming “functional” requires, at least in a plurality of cases, help from those that can afford it?

    That “free shit” might be what helps them turn their life around. Do you think they have a better chance to improve their station in life if they don’t have access to support from the public?

    I wholly reject that it’s somehow dehumanizing to give folks food and shelter during the worst moments in their lives.