Alt account of @Badabinski

Just a sweaty nerd interested in software, home automation, emotional issues, and polite discourse about all of the above.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2024


  • If he were shooting something bigger than 5.56, then you’d want to try to seat it more firmly in your shoulder. An AR-15/M16 generates pretty negligible recoil, so it’s fine. I used to compete in across-the-course service rifle when I was much younger (before I grew up enough to realize I hated the culture in that community), and I’d have the butt even higher up in my shooting coat’s shoulder if I needed to do so in order to get a good cheek weld. At a glance, his technique looks okay. I’ve no experience with the front grips like that (my AR-15 had no rails for mounting shit), but the rest of his stance seeeeems okay.

    I’m guessing that he was a dipshit in other ways and this bad publicity brought the other badness to light.

  • I do, but certain Android browsers don’t support plugins. I have to use a specific browser for compatibility reasons with some work shit (I do on-call stuff). I need that to just work, so I can’t use, say, Firefox for Android. I use multiple browsers on computers, but I just can’t be bothered on my phone. That leaves me with DNS-based ad blockers. Those work almost as well, but only when I’m home or VPNed home. I don’t want to use a hosted service for privacy reasons, and I don’t want to expose a DNS server on the internet. This means that when I can’t VPN or I forget to, I get fandom rage. I’m sure I could do something to address this, but I have bigger fish to fry right now. The nice ad-free fandom frontend sounds like a great compromise to me.

  • You’re an absolute hero. I’m easily irritated by ads, and fandom has driven me to genuine rage a couple of times when I’m on mobile and only have DNS-based adblocking some of the time. It’s a wiki, for Christ’s sake, so why does it need so, so many ads‽ It’s just static content most of the time!

    edit: to provide more context, this is a frontend for fandom wikis that strips out the bullshit.

  • Badabinski@kbin.earthto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneyeahh gay sex rule
    7 days ago

    I live in Utah where we have a relatively high number of polygamists, and they’re all shit heads. My girlfriend works with a woman who was raised in a polygamist environment, and that lady went through some horrible trauma. Polyamory is the umbrella term that contains what you want, and it’s best to stick to it so that modern polyamory isn’t associated with groups like the FLDS or cunts like Warren Jeffs. Polyfidelity is more or less what my girlfriend and I practice with her other partner, so I totally understand the appeal. I’ll say that I do wish multiple marriages were possible, since it’s effectively what we want in the long run. We’ll probably have to approximate it with some form of contract or corporation.

  • Not trying to be pedantic, but you recover the body once someone is dead. Rescue specifically means that you’re trying to get to a person before further injury or death can occur. Recovering someone’s remains is done almost purely out of respect for our need for burials and closure. It’s a really solomn and respectful thing that’s not to be taken lightly, so recover is absolutely the right word to use here.

    Source: I did some search and rescue training as a kid.

  • I feel like putting the pills in your mouth first works a bit better when you have a bunch of pills to take. I take four pills every morning (ADHD, antidepressant, allergy pill, and L-methylfolate because of dumb genes) and I’ve tried both ways. The pills-first approach is just faster and easier for me, and I don’t mind the taste. Hell, I weirdly like the taste of my ADHD meds 😅 I will absolutely do the water first thing when taking something disgusting though. I tend to close my mouth and tilt my head forward rather than back, however.

    I don’t know why my client posted this comment 4 times… Sorry about that.

  • (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;

    I am intensely displeased with this comment. I don’t know why this got to me so much more than the other degenerate shit I’ve seen around, but this gave me a pretty violent physical reaction. Maybe it’s because I’ve been taking time release capsule meds for 15ish years now? Whatever the cause, you should be proud because that was well written.

  • I wrote a comment about this several months ago on my old account. That site is gone and I can’t seem to get a link to it, so I’m just going to repost it here since I feel it’s relevant. My kbin client doesn’t let me copy text posts directly, so I’ve had to use the Select feature of the android app switcher. Unfortunately, the comment didn’t emerge unscathed, and I lack the mental energy to fix it due to covid brain fog (EDIT: it appears that many uses of I were not preserved). The context of the old post was about layoffs, and it can be found here:

    I want to offer my perspective on the Al thing from the point of view of a senior individual contributor at a larger company. Management loves the idea, but there will be a lot of developers fixing auto-generated code full of bad practices and mysterious bugs at any company that tries to lean on it instead of good devs. A large language model has no concept of good or bad, and it has no logic. happily generate string- templated SQL queries that are ripe for SQL injection. I’ve had to fix this myself. Things get even worse when you have to deal with a shit language like Bash that is absolutely full of God awful footguns. Sometimes you have to use that wretched piece of trash language, and the scripts generated are horrific. Remember that time when Steam on Linux was effectively running rm -rf /* on people’s systems? I’ve had to fix that same type of issue multiple times at my workplace.

    I think LLMs will genuinely transform parts of the software industry, but I absolutely do not think they’re going to stand in for competent developers in the near future. Maybe they can help junior developers who don’t have a good grasp on syntax and patterns and such. I’ve personally felt no need to use them, since spend about 95% of my time on architecture, testing, and documentation.

    Now, do the higher-ups think the way that do? Absolutely not. I’ve had senior management ask me about how I’m using Al tooling, and they always seem so disappointed when I explain why I personally don’t feel the need for it and what feel its weaknesses are. Bossman sees it as a way to magically multiply IC efficiency for nothing, so absolutely agree that it’s likely playing a part in at least some of these layoffs.

    Basically, I think LLMs can be helpful for some folks, but my experience is that the use of LLMs by junior developers absolutely increases the workload of senior developers. Senior developers using LLMs can experience a productivity bump, but only if they’re very critical of the output generated by the model. I am personally much faster just relying on traditional IDE auto complete, since I don’t have to change from “I’m writing code” mode to “I’m reviewing code mode.”