I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 23 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • EMDR is a therapy for PTSD. Anecdotally, people have reported that when going through it, they get flashbacks as their body processes the traumatic events. Basically, despite being well aware that the traumatic event is not occurring in the moment, their body is reacting exactly as if it were. Therefore, while going through EMDR, the person rides the flashback until the body burns out the memory and learns that the reaction is not necessary or helpful.

    Burning in my brain. I can feel the flames.

    trauma trigger warning

    That’s actually from the lyrics of the song Ride the Lightning by Metallica. The song is about a person that committed a crime and is sentenced to death via the electric chair. The association here is that cognitively, PTSD is kept in place by the guilt of the person for their belief that they somehow caused the traumatic event. For example, a person that was hit by a car that ran a red light, may blame themselves for not being more vigilant through intersections since they were aware that cars sometimes run the light. As another example, a person that was SA’d may think that they should have never agreed to be alone with the assailant, said no more strongly, or fought them off harder. Complicating things further, they may feel that they wanted to be SA’d because their body felt pleasure from the sexual stimulation despite not wanting the experience to begin with, then continued a relationship with the perpetrator to make it “okay”. But, the body remembers. Since they feel guilty, the punishment is deserved.

    The burning in the brain in the song is from the electricity. The burning in the brain from the meme is the overwhelming thoughts and beliefs ruminating constantly. The feeling of flames in the song is from the electricity running through the person. The feeling of flames in the meme are from the flashback of the body re-experiencing the memory as if were occurring again.

  • I got all of you thieves. I think I might look shady or at least like someone that is going to steal. It’s prolly cause of my demeanor, behaviors, attire, and tattoos. I also act pretty weird when I’m by myself, so that’s when it usually happens. On a few occasions when I felt like I was being followed, I have tested it by going in directions that another shopper likely wouldn’t go in. Yep, I get followed. They send a stock person to the aisle to move shit around. Like the Publix macaroni really needed to be neatly replaced. Sometimes they make it evident that they are watching me at the self checkout scanner like a warning. They stand at the end. Why are they getting paid to stand there just as I showed up? Hmm. Now that I think about it, I have a good idea for a YT channel. I’d wear a discrete body camera every time I go shopping alone and post myself getting following or warned.

    If you see me in the store, I got their attention, so you can go at all the good stuff. If there is a Target security person in here, from what I’ve heard people confess to me, the ones that are stealing are the ones you would least profile: middle-class light-skin women that appear aloof. They’re only running half the shit thru the self checkout scanner. If you catch them, “Oops! I must have not been paying attention. Silly me.” I’m not stealing shit. I know I have eyes on me everywhere I go.

  • Yep, which allowed us to make great prank calls because people wouldn’t expect us to be calling them since they hadn’t given us their phone number. If someone had a popular name, like Miguel Rodriguez in Miami, you might have to make a few attempts to get the right one though.

    Fun fact: Phone books are the reason there are some businesses called AAA. Businesses, such as locksmiths, plumbers, and other rarely used services, would name themselves AAA because it would make their listing first in the type/subject by alphabetical order.

  • Alien 1: Why are there more hungry humans here points at Central America and more obese people here points at Texas? Is there a distribution obstacle?

    Alien 2: Ah, good observation. No, they can get food anywhere very easily. There’s even an outpost on that ice part where they can’t even grow food. But, the humans drew a line here points at Mexico-USA border

    Alien 1: Why don’t they just erase the line?

    Alien 2: Because the people on the northside have better weapons and will kill any humans that try to move the line.

    Alien 1: But they don’t need that much food. It’s actually hurting them. Are they willing to kill other humans just to hurt themselves with abundance?

    Alien 2: Basically, yeah.

    Alien 1: Wow. Someone needs to tell them about nuclear power so they could all have more than enough then.

    Alien 2: Yeah, soooo, about that. They did figure it out, but made weapons out of it instead.

    Alien 1: WTF. Won’t they kill themselves? Someone needs to tell them!

    Alien 2: They already know! They even made a clock about it so that everyone can prepare for the end of their species when the time is near lol

    I don’t know where I was going with this, but I guess I had to get it out. 🤷‍♂️

  • I’d like to tangentially add that Irish people are possible the most chillest when it comes to their ethnicity and identity. About 11 years ago, I got obsessed with pretending I was Irish for a few months during and after dating an Irish-American girl. I had a terrible fake accent, drank Jameson or Maker’s Mark, bragged about my fame with Irish good-bye’s, etc. I am in no way Irish in the slightest, and I don’t think anyone would even think that. Not one Irish person seemed offended. If anything, they welcomed it and found it entertaining at the least. I think that if I did that with any other ethnicity, people would at least be offended if not angry and retaliatory.

    Anyone else experience this? If so, any insight on why this may be?