I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I’m going to troll you back. FAFO.

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • For poop:

    • the bristol stool scale
    • and your frequency (anywhere from daily to weekly is normal and varies a lot person to person so learn your normal)
    • color can vary a lot so that’s less important but here’s a few common ones other than brown:
      • bright red. This is a small amount of blood and from very close to the exit so it’s not great but you’ll be fine. Be nicer to your butthole though: stop eating taco bell and use more lube. Maybe put some A&D on the outside until it stops doing that.
      • dark black like tar. This is what a lot of blood from very deep in you looks like. Go to the ER immediately.
      • light grey / white. This means your liver isn’t putting old trash red blood cells into your poop like it’s supposed to and you should go to the ER immediately and find out why not and where it’s putting them instead.

    For piss:

    • should be light yellow “straw” color and clear
    • not cloudy and DEFINITELY never chunky.
    • Also should not be a syrupy consistency, I’ve legit seen diabetics pissing and it looks like they’re pouring syrup into the toilet also that’s how you get horrible bladder infections bacteria love that sugar.
    • You should also pee about 4-10 times daily and it can vary a lot depending on how much you’re drinking and how much you’re losing other ways like sweating or vomiting.
    • if your pee turns a little dark throughout the day that’s fine and you just need to drink more water.
    • if your pee suddenly turns dark brown go to the ER.
    • beets have a dye that can change pee color and that’s harmless
    • some medications can change your pee color and sometimes that’s fine and sometimes it’s bad talk to your doctor about it but for example
      • pyridium turns it red and that’s fine
      • I can never remember which b vitamin but it makes your piss super bright yellow and so people use it to help fake drug tests because it makes their urine look less dilute when casually observed. They’ll be able to tell what you did if they look closer though.

  • In my crash course to new psych techs about addiction I list off all the common legal addictions which goes something like this:

    • Caffeine
    • Nicotine
    • Alcohol
    • Gambling
    • Pornography
    • Social Media
    • Binge Eating
    • Non-suicidal self-injury
    • And depending on the location, Marijuana

    I tell them that mine is caffeine and my partner’s is nicotine, then we talk about motivational interviewing and then I move on to dementia.

  • If it’s new shortness of breath or chest pain , particularly the crushing variety that feels like something is sitting on you, do not pass go, do not collect money, straight to the ER. Same goes for sudden severe lower back or abdominal pain or sudden heavy bleeding out of your orifices (more than a super maxi-pad full every two hours if you’ve got that genital configuration). There’s a few other little things like a continuous erection more than 4 hours. Also you should learn the signs of a stroke (Google “stroke FAST”). If you’re not sure, look up the local ERs number (not 911) and ask for the “triage nurse” and ask them.

    If it’s been going on / steadily getting worse for over a month it can (probably) wait one more week if that’s all it will take to see your primary care physician or see a specialist.

    If it’s sudden but you know exactly what you did like if you pulled a muscle or sprained a joint at work or cut or burned your arm while cooking (I specify arm, if you cut or burn your hand, face, or foot, measure how big it is and call that triage nurse, and if it’s your genitals just go to the ER) or if you forgot to pee after sex or did it with somebody sketchy and now it hurts to pee, go to the urgent care. Or if your petri dish of a preschooler brought home something and you’re not sure if it’s strep but you almost definitely need a note for work. Or if you have an old cut but now it’s looking puffy and oozing weird liquids (but it’s still localized to that one little area, you don’t have a fever or anything). If you can look at it and already have a general laymans idea of what they’re gonna do to it, go to the urgent care.

  • That’s also why I’m being so active in this comments section; I don’t want people reading about compassionate euthenasia thinking “wait isn’t that how they torture people to death?” because it’s not unless you’re basically trying to use it that way. I’ve actually been briefly trained on what to do in an inert gas leak in some of the radiology safety modules for work because some of the imaging machinery uses inert gas and they literally tell you it’s super easy to accidentally die that way because by the time you’ve even noticed you’re almost dead.

  • They’re not doing it correctly to be used as euthenasia. You need:

    a) a person without COPD, chronic bronchitis, or any other disorder that has swapped their drive to breathe away from increased blood carbon dioxide / acidity and towards oxygen deficiency (fun fact, oxygen deficiency isn’t what drives most people to breathe).

    b) a cooperative person who can follow instructions to breathe out fully then take 2-3 full deep breaths

    c) a nonrebreather mask which is a special mask with an outlet valve so that when they breathe out that air with all the carbon dioxide is vented while the nitrogen continues being pumped in. (Edit: This is if they’re alone in a room or somewhere with excellent ventilation, or the nitrogen would be vented as well after a certain point and could harm the observers, that’s why the sarcopod is a pod).

    Sounds like they’re fine on A, but not doing B or C.

  • Yeah if you’re cooperative and able to breathe all the way out then deep breathe those first few breaths it’s actually the ideal way to go. You do also have to not have COPD or chronic bronchitis or another disorder that’s swapped your breathing drive to oxygen deficiency instead of carbon dioxide excess. The rising CO2 / blood acidity from re-breathing the same air you put out is actually what causes the anxiety / panic of suffocation for most otherwise healthy people, not the oxygen drop. So if they were using a nonrebreather mask and doing this as compassionate euthenasia for terminal illness for people able to cooperate it would actually be one of the better methods.

  • I often feel the same working in mental health, especially with medically complex patients who have lost their own legal-medical decision making rights.

    There’s the obvious high stakes ethical debates like if someone has a gangrenous limb that will kill them should you force them to have it removed. But there’s a lot more common / lower stakes examples I run into more often. Say someone has a dietary restriction that not following will likely cause great harm. Say they can’t swallow effectively (more common than you think, especially with strokes). This person is demanding a burger. It’s more likely than not that they will choke and die on that burger. Do you let them have the burger? You could argue that a sane person would obviously choose life over a burger but I might argue that American culture in particular makes the ability to consume burgers enjoy life more important than lengthening it (not entirely true, OP is probably one of the few people here who wouldn’t be shocked what people put elders through in the name of extending life). In the end its a complex debate with a huge amount of individual nuance that I don’t claim to have all the answers to.

    I can tell you that I kinda wanna go work hospice where I don’t even have to ask any of those questions and can just give them the fucking burger.