Demand an executive order by the President declaring himself a pigboy.
Demand an executive order by the President declaring himself a pigboy.
Can you imagine being loudly fired as a corrupt drain on tax dollars after years of expert service, having them call it a victory for America that you’ve been fired, having your badge deactivated and being kicked out, and then having them come back saying “wait no, we need you for a little while longer so you’re unfired for now… Now get back to work until we figure out how to have Grok do your job poorly!”
Anyone who would go back to their job after that is a spineless nitwit. They just want you to solve their immediate need and fire you in a month. Let them suffer and answer for their self created mess. They wouldn’t be calling you back if there wasn’t something that would make them look terrible or interfere with one of their grifts/schemes.
I’m genuinely shocked it was taken down at this stage in our self-destruction
That’s literally like half of marriages.
Thank President Musk and his First Lad Trump.
I literally posted a link of BlueCross revoking a new horror of greed out of fear and self preservation immediately following what happened. That’s after 1 very low level murderous oligarch sycophant was cleansed. 1.
They’ll bring it back if the people allow it to be an isolated incident and fail to return this half century of class occupation, murderous subjugation, and human commodification back into the class war it needs to be. The war that informs every other battle, even if we put our fingers in our ears and pretend it’s not.
But we’ll probably be cowards and take it until the capitalists destroy the habitability of the planet, ending their murderous grift and civilization in a few decades. Either way, at least this horrorshow of human exploitation will end. I’d rather the former, but the latter is better than this in perpetuity.
Reminder, our government has been captured by the capitalist oligarchs for 50 years.
This election simply cut out the middlemen well bribed middle managers in the executive.
Luigi, the hero we need but don’t deserve, demonstrated the only thing the capitalists and their jack booted thugs respond to: fear
And it got results, however slight and temporary due to the scale of one man standing against an entire economic class of proudly sociopathic tyrants, some blue cross patients got relief from the American Healthcare confidence scheme, the only positive change in Healthcare in decades. ICE is just another class traitor, love me senpai oppressor arm of them. Just saying.
He already eliminated global aid.
That aid was soft power he gave away. And since we’re the baddies/monsters, it’s probably for the best we’ve lost so many coersion chips.
I say this as an American, fuck us up world.
That’s just silly.
United Healthcare isn’t a company.
It’s a state sanctioned confidence scheme.
Smut is not in the same category as the other two.
I resent my hardwired love of the female form and human sexuality being conflated with other’s irrational hatreds of various peoples.
Make smut, not war! 🍆✌️ 🍑
Sorry, you’re stuck with hoards of people our economy has made too poor to get citizenship elsewhere. Shitty country run by selfish oligarchs. 🤷
There literally is a black market for it. My city, Las Vegas is littered with handmade signs and flyers of saying they buy and sell insulin and diabetic supplies.
Canadians are not as pathetic as us Americans, who’ve been rolling over for 50 years.
They will fight.
Being allowed to masturbate at work would just ruin the fun of it.
Capitalism destroyed our government, captured our constitution, and is literally ending the world (for humans, don’t worry it’ll be fine in a few million years and it’ll be like we never existed, thank goodness for that).
I find comedy in people likely here due to the greed rot of Spez wanting to go public and now fondling billionaire balls still, here on Lemmy like digital refugees in the wake of capitalism breaking promises to and destroying a community to increase private profit, going “ewww commies and socialists.”
Credit where it’s due, the capitalist’s Orwell game is God tier.
(sorry I don’t know the artist)
Despite what the Fascists would erase from history and science, critical race theory is like the theory of gravity, it’s absolutely correct and all around us.
African Americans have never been made whole since their ancestors were brought here as slaves. They’ve never been the primary or equal beneficiaries of the generational windfalls that have occurred here. They’ve been sabotaged at every step. Ever heard of Tulsa?
It’s ridiculous how many people shriek get over it when Jim Crow is still well in living memory. When African American families get substantial reparations for what was done to their families over and over generationally, so never, then you’d have a leg to stand on.
Reddit is no longer a safe place for free speech, it is compromised.
That ship sailed years ago.
Neoliberal good cop/fascist bad cop was always a race to the bottom. This was inevitable so long as we fail to cut the capitalists down to size, and both parties are paid to defend their con game from us by stoking social issue division to stop the peasants from looking up at the oligarchs, our common enemies whether you’ve been brainwashed into worshipping them or not.
I voted for Harris out of harm reduction, but voting Neoliberal only slowed the sinking, it was never going to make things better, just worse a little slower. A vote for continued quiet capitalist slaughter over loud, bragging capitalist slaughter. Not peace. Under Harris, healthcare rackets would still be murdering Americans, homeless Americans would still be dying in droves, etc.
But by all means keep the focus of your ire on the people who had nothing to vote for, only against for the last half century. You’re basically attacking the silent cowards in 1930 Germany and not the Nazis.
There are only 2 ways this ends, either the Luigi method, or capitalist enforced climate change will collapse the capitalist’s con game and human civilization for us if we’re too chickenshit. The parties are captured. No amount of voting will fix this. Reagan and Kemp saw to that when they captured their opposition.
If God exists, I doubt even they’d have enough divine power to pull modern Republican’s heads out of their shameless asses.
"Antifa somehow made my first born drop dead as I was teaching him confederate histry! Then they turned all my guns to locusts! Then they replaced all the water in my pipes with blood! Then they used their Jewish space laser satellites to make that deafening ‘LOVE IMMIGRANTS AS YOU LOVE ME, REPENT!’ sound around the world!
Fucking leftists and their false flag attacks."