Hey there Mr. Debs!! You’re actually one of my heroes. You led a complicated life, but I seriously admire your commitment to a meaningful social safety net for everyone.
That said, I quite dislike Apple, and have never in my life purchased one of their products for a myriad of reasons. But I do believe that Fade is factually correct in what they say. The consolidation of funtions into new ports and communication standards isn’t something inherently worth railing against.
Do I think they executed that consolidation particularly well? Hell no. But let’s not paint our fellow Blahaj as bootlickers for making and presenting a factually sound argument.
With love,
- a fan
He never calls ANYONE a moron Mr. Debs, that’s a characterization that you’ve made. They said the post is stupid. It’s not an attack on the original poster, or anyone for that matter. This is an image sharing platform and somebody pointed out an issue with the image posted.