They see like this all the time.

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2021


  • Huawei uses android doesn’t it? Get revanced app and newpipe. Revanced is YouTube but with a ton more options and no ads. Even ports your normal profile. Newpipe plays YouTube stuff but the account you make is local. Can’t port your Google account BUT it can download any video on just about any format you want. Makes stealing music and shit real easy. You can paste YouTube links directly into newpipe and it’ll take you to the video. Newpipe is super easy, you just install. Revanced take a little work to get up and running. Both are worth it.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    I am surprised the first response I got was not an attack. The pro pit propaganda runs hard and encouraged pretty rabbid harassment. I don’t blame people that don’t know for defending pits. It’s the ones that argue in bad faith and ignore obvious data that are the problem. There’s a reason why pits, and only pits, need to be defended so aggressively. All it takes is just googling reports of actual dog attacks to see almost all of the reports involved a pit or pit mix. Hell all you have to do is Google pictures of pitbulls vs porcupines and then compare those to literally any other dog breed vs porcupines. Normal dogs take a hit and get deterred out of their natural survival and pain avoidance instincts. Pits just maul them harder till they all but kill themselves. That’s what happens when you breed some poor animal to fight to the death against other animals. It’s tragic what we have bred into these dogs and even more tragic that instead of taking responsibility for it and at least attempting to breed it out and/or restrict breeding, we double down and make more and more lies about them that get innocent people maimed and killed. Then when people try to point all this out they get harassed to no end.