This is very common. These two buildings have 𝗡 and 𝗭 swapped (and an upside-down 𝗦):
Other sins include horizontally or vertically flipped serif 𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐕𝐖 if that can happen. Every alphabet manufacturer should put a small “TOP - Remove after installation” sticker at the front top of each letter, or at least indicate the direction on the packaging.
Consistently upside-down serif 𝐍s. Ewww…
This is very common. These two buildings have 𝗡 and 𝗭 swapped (and an upside-down 𝗦):

Other sins include horizontally or vertically flipped serif 𝐀𝐁𝐔𝐕𝐖 if that can happen. Every alphabet manufacturer should put a small “TOP - Remove after installation” sticker at the front top of each letter, or at least indicate the direction on the packaging.