Hi! I’m currently looking onto perhaps running Jellystat. But the instructions seem to be a bit…lacking? Is there a step by step guide on how to get it up and running?


  • schizo@forum.uncomfortable.business
    2 months ago

    I mean, I don’t much care either way; I don’t expect privacy if I’m doing something on a computer owned by someone else so if they want to log everything that’s great.

    It’s just that, personally, I don’t want to know what my friends and family are posting, or watching, or listening to (unless we’re like, having an actual conversation about it) and keep as much logging as remotely feasible turned off.

    I’d be a LOT happier if the tools to do logging were just aggregate stats: in your case, you don’t need to know WHO watched it, just if it was watched, which is still very privacy respecting.

    But uh, mostly all these analysis tools/log analyzers/metrics api endpoints are designed to log every single detail of every single interaction and that just… makes me feel skeezy.