• Antik 👾@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I replied to you a bit lower here too and this will also be my last post about this because if you don’t understand it now you never will and i will accept that.

    Izzy came back from another account to say their goodbyes, as they no longer wish to be involved anyway. This post seems to have disappeared.

    All Izzy’s accounts are banned. And the reason they posted was not to say “that they didn’t wish to be involved any longer” because that’s a bit after-the-fact right. They wanted to cause more drama.

    Then a bit later, admin came to SF to make a post looking for new mods. When people brought up the situation, they locked the thread.

    I posted what we had to say and closed the thread immediately after. You are twisting the timeline of events to use it in your favor, pure sensationalism.

    You seem to feel a certain way about the admins on this instance. You are a moderator and you would be welcome to interact with others in our moderator discord server and at least make an informed post but seemingly you prefer not to interact with the others and instead to make up your own version of things.

    But to end this on a positive note, we had people reach out to become moderators on !sciencefiction@lemmy.world and we’ll hook them up with eachother so they can get things going again.

    • WhoRoger@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      If you want to accuse people of twisting words, you need to look into the mirror as well, Antik. As you say, I talked to you on Matrix and couldn’t get an answer to a question I asked 3 times, and then you deliberately misinterpret what I say.

      So also don’t tell me that I don’t try to communicate, when I did exactly that. And you don’t know what I do to coordinate with other people around Lemmy. I don’t talk to admins because I don’t want to bug you people with every little thing when I’m sure you’re busy with other stuff and everyone is trying to talk. And I literally can’t use Discord because it’s a broken POS. Yet I still was in your Discord server before you had this official one.

      All I wanted in this thread is to provide information to people who didn’t know what happened. As accurately and sparsely as possible to let people make up your own mind, and I definitely don’t think I twisted anything, much less the timeline. You say I misinterpreted things because I don’t see it from your perspective.

      Whatever, we are all humans, have our own point of view, but don’t accuse me of sensationalism or some other motivations. That’s like, one of the last thing I ever want, and I don’t like it when people accuse me of motivations that are completely off. Like what do you think I’m doing, trying to take over the server or what would be the point of sensationalism and transforming reality?

      I don’t even “feel the certain way” about the admins, I told you that you do a fine job in general. But true, there’s a general attitude on Lemmy that tends to put a sour taste in my mouth, and I’ve always tried to do my part to not be a part of it. The “don’t say the wrong thing or you’ll get banned” and “suspect everyone is out to just make drama” among those issues.

      And of course as a mod I know what a fine line that is. Shiit, when I talked to my co-mods about this thing, the first thing I asked was if I’m not hypocritical. I try not to be. So please try to not look for the worst in people. Most are just trying their best to make this site a better place, just like you, and everyone is passionate about different things.

      • Quinten@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        It is also about the way you communicate. You joined the Matrix server (or Discord, I’m not sure which, as they are interconnected) last night, and the first thing you asked was: “So, anyone wants to talk about admin-banning Izzy of science fiction? Cause it looks pretty bad honestly.” Meanwhile, other conversations were ongoing. Most people typically introduce themselves or at least say hello to everyone.

        Antik responded to you, but you didn’t agree with his answer. You followed up with “And btw the Sync users are more toxic and defensive than anyone… Just sayin.” and then you left the server.

        It’s evident that you joined for a specific reason, and your comment about the Sync users gives us an idea of where you stand on this issue.

        It’s perfectly fine to have differing opinions; just express them in a respectful manner.

        • WhoRoger@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I didn’t know this is like Beehaw where you need to come hat in hand with an introductory essay before you can ask a question.

          Fine, I apologise for not saying Hello, I was tired. But if you need more than that, then well I’m not your person. I was in the scifi thread, got upset, then realised I should ask the other side as well. I was trying to get a picture, couldn’t get it, we both said/agreed the debate is over, so I left because I was getting more tired and upset and didn’t want to say something bad and frankly got worried that someone would make it about me, like it’s here. Guess that’s wrong?

          I wanted to sleep on it, but when this meme showed up, I tried to recap the situation here as neutrally as possible for people, tried to avoid saying who is right (ed: at first at least. Stress on “tried”, whether you believe it or not.), didn’t call out any particular admin, told people to make up their own mind, and i’m still the bad guy. I really don’t know what you expect from someone to recap the situation. “The great diligent admins banned the toxic harasser who’s been nothing but spewing vile”, was that what I was supposed to write?

          Despite what you may think about my motivations, I don’t have any stake in this other than trying to help make Lemmy a good platform, but for quite a while it’s been pointless due to all this toxic positivity where everyone has to walk on tiptoes.

          • Quinten@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I didn’t know this is like Beehaw where you need to come hat in hand with an introductory essay before you can ask a question.


            …told people to make up their own mind, and i’m still the bad guy.

            We replied to your post. That’s all there is to it.

            …all this toxic positivity where everyone has to walk on tiptoes.

            I believe you can express nearly anything you wish. Why mention walking on your tiptoes? We’re engaged in a discussion about something on which we hold differing opinions. That’s perfectly acceptable. However, we are permitted to present our perspective.

            But I think we have now spoken to you at length enough on this subject. For me, this is a case closed.