>be smart at math;
>use math in the real worth;
>you lose regardless
  • Reason #1 as to why Gambling should be strictly banned and harshly punished: It’s a legalized form of scam that preys on peoples’ hopes to loot them of their resources. And when they actually start winning something, they get banned from the establishment.

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I completely agree with your sentiment, and see no other path other then the wholesale banning of casinos and other predatory gambling machines and services like sports betting, slots, online gambling, the lottery, and scratch off tickets, but how would a state go about banning gambling in its entirety? All you need to gamble is a pack of cards (Hell you don’t even need that honestly), and underground gambling rings are extremely lucrative for this reason. Simply banning gambling also doesn’t address the underlying reasons as to why it happens or help fix the addictions and desire of the participants.

      • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Imo, you ban it as a business. No establishments dedicated to it. Any places that allow a form of it aren’t allowed to receive anything from it. Having any sort of “house” fees that keep a portion of the “winnings” be illegal. This would take care of the most predatory types of gambling. If however some people get together and bet on a game or something, I mean, not a lot you can or should do about that. Let people have their fun but stop those that would take advantage of it.