• retrospectology@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Things won’t get better under Biden though. Strongest argument neoliberals might be able to make is that fascism will arrive slightly slower under their guy.

    But seeing how Biden is fumbling it’s very likely he’s going to lose this. He needs to step down. If it’s about the party or the administration then he needs to realize that. If he stays in he is responsible for a Trump win.

      • retrospectology@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        And look at what? The genocide he’s funding? The illegal border policy he tried to pass that was identical to the one Trump tried to pass under his term? Or am I suppose to be looking at the past 40 years where neoliberals like Biden have failed to to confront the slow encroachment of fascism and instead chose to spend all their energy and resources undermining progressives in their own party? Or how voting the “lesser of two evils” for all that time has produced zero results?

        You’re acting exasperated as if neoliberal democrats aren’t complicit in where we are right now. I think it’s you who needs to open your eyes and understand that neolibs aren’t helping or even buying us more time. The loss of our rights has continued full speed under the Biden admin, and he’s risking it all to satisfy his own ego and fanatical zionism.

        No. Biden is responsible for his unelectability and when he refuses to step aside he will be responsible for his loss.