Fanone was abducted by the mob on Jan. 6 and nearly killed when a MAGA-hatted rioter who believed Trump’s lies about the 2020 election drove a stun gun into his neck.

Michael Fanone, a former police officer who was nearly killed by a mob during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, spoke outside the courthouse during closing arguments in Donald Trump’s hush money trial Tuesday, calling Trumpan authoritarianwitha violence fetish.”

Hours later, Fanone’s mother was “swatted” at her home in Virginia.

On Tuesday, a fake “manifesto” attributed to Fanone was sent to a number of email addresses, including some associated with a high school that Fanone attended for a year more than two decades ago. The “manifesto,” viewed by NBC News, claimed that the writer had killed their mother and planned to go to the recipient’s school Wednesday and shoot more people. It provided Fanone’s mother’s home address.

    5 months ago

    That’s the thing I don’t get. These “strongmen” are fucking cry babies.

    Like the media darling Kyle Rittenhouse. Fucking cries while he’s on the stand.

    Beer pong Brett Kavanaugh fucking crying on national TV from questioning.

    Trump, literally, any day every day about how he’s some sort of victim.

    How the alt right sees these men as the paragons of strength and leadership is beyond me.

      5 months ago

      I am strong, powerful, manly man, so therefore any weakness/failure cannot be because of my failings, but a sign of how powerful the Jews/globalists/antifa/comintern/etc are

      It’s not a complex ideology, but it’s an easy panacea - like conspiracies- for the hard reality that is modern existence

        5 months ago

        It’s not a complex ideology, but it’s an easy panacea - like conspiracies- for the hard reality that is modern existence.

        Damn but that’s some high grade poignancy early in the morning.

        But it isn’t a panacea. They’re just told by the hate oil salesman it is, but they’ll choke on it same as they would have with snake oil, just taking the rest of progress with them. There has to be a way to hijack the methodology and change the message.

          5 months ago

          You’re right that it’s ineffective, but the messaging and emotional hooks are powerful. “The left” at its core challenges the ego. It sees society, culture, economics, politics, etc and says “Do better”, or if we’re being pleasant “We can do better, let’s build it”

          “The right” tells your id what it wants to hear. Everything is as it ought to be, you don’t need to improve yourself, this is the best place to be, failures are because of ‘our enemies’.

          “You’re fine, it’s their fault” is a very easy pill to swallow, and the mental gymnastics start quietly

          hate oil salesman

          Oh I’m definitely stealing this

      5 months ago

      Easy, they are told so, sometimes from behind a pulpit. The sheeple aren’t trusting their own eyes, they are trusting their neighbors to crowd-think the correct answer.

      And then on the other side, you have things like Hillary Clinton’s email scandals - like when she colluded with agents of a foreign government, told the Supreme Court to fuck off rather than deliver her emails (I have decided that you will need to wait for a week while I delete all the ones I don’t want you to see first…), illegally conspired with the DNC to do things like give her the questions in advance of a debate (but not give those to Bernie Sanders), and so on. When Trump says that the Democrats are corrupt - he ain’t lying!!! He just left out the part where he would be 100x worse.

      People didn’t vote for him, they voted against her. But anyway, unlike any Democrat except Bernie, he did stand up to her by running for office. Anyway, voting for Trump was people rolling the dice to see what happened, as in better a random outcome than her.

      The Powers That Be decided to use Trump bc he was convenient, and for sheeple who follow authority rather than individualistic logical thinking (especially the less educated ones, bc voting properly requires a rather enormous investment of time, energy, and attention to build up - over a decade of research for sure), it makes sense to them that if everyone around them is saying the same thing, then it can’t be wrong!? (Cognitive dissonance, so they ignore what they see with their very own eyes.)